Frequently Asked Questions

Error: winpenpackTemp.xml is damaged and not readable by winPenPack! How can I solve this problem?

If this error appears while winPenPack is starting, please try to restore the .xml software list using a backup.

In fact, the winPenPack launcher menu creates some backup copies of its configuration .xml file, where are written all menu links for each application. To restore a backup, rename the most recent file included in \winPenPack\Backups\winpenpack_launcher directory (i.e. winPenPackLauncher_2008-12-18-02-10-25.bck) to winPenPack.xml and insert it into \winPenPack\User\winpenpack_launcher directory, replacing the previous one.

Info Friday 19 March 2010 - 12:19:12 by Danix

winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection