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Saving of the settings in a file *.dat

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Sun 01 Sep 2013 - 12:37

Registered Member #39636
Joined: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 23:47
Posts: 165

Assuming that an app saves its settings in a file .dat. Especially may be saved the changes with respect to drive-letters and languages in this file .dat. Because of the difficulties regarding the access to this .dat file, there are now basically 2 options.

  1. Removing of the file .dat

    Firstly I can remove this file .dat. Afterwards I look, where the app now stores its settings. Now I start the development of a portable version of the app.

  2. Access to the file .dat

    Under the assumption of a possible access to the file .dat I search for another kind of development of a portable version of the app.

My main problem is now, if here exists a way of the development of a portable version in the case of #2. And if yes, how must I perform the access to this file .dat?

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Sun 01 Sep 2013 - 19:34


Registered Member #1
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Some .dat files (but not all) are not writable by X-Launcher. Are you sure that your is not writable? Can you put it here as an attachment?

P.S.: if you put it as an attachment in this forum you have to compress it (.zip file).
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Sun 01 Sep 2013 - 20:43

Registered Member #39636
Joined: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 23:47
Posts: 165
In this specific case it is the file "portable.dat", in which the settings of the program PDF-XChange Viewer are stored. Since this is probably a binary file, it's seems probably be unable to access this file. Though this is an exclusively native portable application, I would still have access to this file portable.dat ( because of changes regarding drive-letters and languages).

[ Edited Sun 01 Sep 2013 - 20:58 ]
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Mon 02 Sep 2013 - 12:28

Registered Member #39636
Joined: Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 23:47
Posts: 165
I will try to explain my problem in more detail. Assuming that the file portable.dat isn't writable by the X-Launcher. Furthermore I've integrated the program PFD-XChange Viewer in the winPenPack Net menu. Now will occur some problems.

Firstly the automatic language switching doesn't work in the winPenPack Net menu. And secondly the change of drive-letters can't be performed after moving to another PC . Also should be mentioned, that stamps are saved in %APPDATA%\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange Viewer\2.0\Stamps (for your reproduction: Tools>Comment And Markup Tools>Show Stamps Palette>New Collection, then From Image or From PDF).

Due to these issues it's probably the best idea for contacting the publisher with the aim, that the publisher offers a more readable format instead of the currently used proprietary binary format.

[ Edited Mon 02 Sep 2013 - 12:31 ]
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