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Checkmate MP3 checker 0.21

Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: sabato 24 giugno 2017 - 14:24:01
Dimensione: 385 kb
Downloads: 6553
 3.5 - 2 valutazioni 

[It] Analizza eventuali errori nei file Mp3.

[En] Checkmate MP3 Checker is a free program that checks MP3 files for errors. It scans MP3 files to see if the frames are where they are supposed to be, whether the frame headers are correct and whether the frame headers are consistent throughout the file. It reports some information on each file and an indication whether the file is good or bad.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Avviare l'applicazione eseguendo mp3checker-0.20.exe.
[En] Launch the program by double-clicking mp3checker-0.20.exe.

Versione/Version: 0.21
Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Licenza/License: GNU General Public License

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  Nuvolari  il: 14.01.09 - 11:47 - Commenti: 17

credo chiedano di cambiare il link del download, cambia poco cmq: -Link-

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