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New Arichvconvert 0.1

Developer: Dirk Paehl
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: domenica 20 ottobre 2024 - 19:04:41
Dimensione: 1,82 Mb
Downloads: 8438
 4.5 - 2 valutazioni 

[It] Programma in grado di convertire i seguenti archivi: 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc / DZ / MSI / ALZ / PMA / PAQ7 / CHM / UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA / ZIP AES (128/192/256) / Nanozip Alpha/ XZ/ FreeArc/Zpaq/GZA nei seguenti: ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, FreeArc, ARJ/PAQ9/GZA

[En] This convertor can convert the following archives: 7-ZIP/ LZH / CAB / ZIP / ARJ / ACE / RAR / TAR / TGZ / GZ / Z / BZ2 / YZ1 / YZ2 / GCA / BEL / RPM / DEB/ BH / Noa32 / HKI / PAQAR / SQX /HA /ZOO /UHARC /LFB / ZLIB / UCL / IMP / RS / SPL / APK / Arc / DZ / MSI / ALZ / PMA / PAQ7 / CHM / UDA / PAQ8 / Cryptonite / ISO / LZOP / BMA / ZIP AES (128/192/256) / Nanozip Alpha/ XZ/ FreeArc/Zpaq/GZA to the following ones: ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA, XZ, FreeArc, ARJ/PAQ9/GZA

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:

[It] decomprimere l'archivio ZIP ed eseguire il file arc_convert.exe

[En] extract the ZIP archive and launch the program by double-clicking the arc_convert.exe file.

Versione/Version: 0.1 (nuova resione solo a 64bit)
Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Licenza/License: Freeware

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