Menù Principale

E-mail client


Developer: DreamMail Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: lunedì 20 febbraio 2012 - 21:06:01
Dimensione: 8,86 Mb
Downloads: 8708
 5.3 - 3 valutazioni 

[It] Dreammail è un Client di posta elettronica di provenienza cinese. E' stato progettato per un utilizzo multi utente e multi account. Supporta i protocolli SMTP eSMTP, POP3, Hotmail e Yahoo. Non è un Newsreader (non supporta il protocollo NNTP). In opzione, permette anche l'accesso remoto alle proprie mailbox. Questa funzione permette di controllare ed eventualmente eliminare la posta direttamente sul server remoto senza dover scaricare completamente i messaggi in locale. L'utilizzo di filtri personalizzabili, di "black list" e white list" permette un efficiente controllo dello spam.Abbastanza snello e completamente portatile, supporta le skins ed anche la lingua italiana.

[En]DreamMail is one of the best Chinese email client software. It was designed to handle multi-user and multi email account. The supported protocols are SMTP, eSMTP, POP 3, Hotmail and Yahoo. It's Not a newsreader (NNTP is not supported). With the additional remote mailbox access function, you might use it to logon your mail account remotely and check the mail content, preview even to delete it directly from the server; The combination use of mail filter, blacklist and white list, can sort out the junk mail effectively. It supports skins and language localizations

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:

[It] Decomprimere l' ed avviare l'applicazione eseguendo DM2005.exe. Per far salvare le impostazioni nella cartella del programma, durante la configurazione al "Passo 2: Cartella dati" selezionare Salva nella cartella di installazione di DreamMail.

[En] Unzip the zipped archive and run the program using DM2005.exe file. To save your data and preferences in the program folder, in your first configuration please select Save in the install directory of DreamMail on the 2nd step: "Phath of data saving".

Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Piattaforma/Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7
Licenza/License: Freeware

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 Robertoxxx  il: 14.04.07 - 09:40 - Commenti: 17


 Ketty  il: 09.09.09 - 14:47 - Commenti: 37

Non è propriamente portabile nemmeno questa versione -Link-

 pegasocv  il: 21.09.10 - 21:40 - Commenti: 81

Wow niente male.
Richiama molto l'aspetto di outlook.


 eagleman  il: 19.10.10 - 19:17 - Commenti: 16

C'è da correggere il sito.
Quello giusto è -Link-

 sverre  il: 13.03.14 - 14:23 - Commenti: 1


I have been supporting DreamMail for almost 8 years, but as you may know, I am not the developer. I created DreamMail Europe Community website, because I thought DreamMail was one of the best email clients. So I used to spend some time translating into French and creating this website and forum.

But now, it's been more than a year I have no reply from Zeng Xiquan, and I cannot continue supporting this software without him. So I decided to end this adventure, and move forward.
So, I will *NOT* reply to future emails, and this page will disappear soon.

Also, a vulnerability has been found, and a Proof of Concept is available here : -Link- (thanks to loneferret)
I receive spams with trying to use this exploit now, so you MUST change your email software.

There are many email software available (Thunderbird, Opera Mail, ...), so you can check one of these to get support.

This community website is now over, so do not blame me, but I cannot continue this.

BUT, I will let the forum available, so you can continue to ask question and help others.
You can access it here : -Link-

Thank you and see you on new projects.


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