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Copy Cat 3.0

Developer: Vicky's Cool Software
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: giovedì 05 luglio 2012 - 22:34:41
Dimensione: 2,45 Mb
Downloads: 5387
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[It] Copy Cat permette di recuperare dati da CD e DVD graffiati, o da hard disk non completamente leggibili.

[En] Copy Cat can be helpful at times when you want to copy a CD or DVD which is scratched,when you want to copy data from harddisk area which is partially not readable, when you want to copy data from floppy which is currently not being copied by Windows.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:

[It] estrarre il setup di installazione con X-UniExtract ed utilizzare il contenuto della cartella {App}. Potete spostare o rinominare la cartella a piacimento.

[En] extract the setup file using X-UniExtract and use the files present into {App} folder. You can move, copy and/or rename the folder as you want.

Versione/Version: 3.0
Piattaforma/Platform: Win Xp, Vista, 7, 8
Licenza/License: Freeware

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