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Development version 2.7.1 Gimp for windows

Autore Messaggio
mer 11 ago 2010 - 12:30
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68

Hi there,

If you are interested to try new dev 2.7.1 Gimp portable, please use following guidelines:

1. download new dev version for windos: -Link-

2. install or extract from exe file (e.g. with innosetup)

3. download last version of X-gimp from winpenpack collection.

4. replace files in bin/gimp with those copied from installed gimp 2.7.1 directory (without uninstall files)

5. exchange gimp 2.6.10 to 2.7.1 in ini file in main x-gimp directory.

and done

to check what's new in 2.7.1 look the videos: -Link-

[ Modificato sab 14 ago 2010 - 16:57 ]
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sab 14 ago 2010 - 14:11
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68
Hii yaa!
apart of what was written on the web, it uses single window mode in windows system!
...and GEGL is awesome!
need to check now the most important plugins
... will let you know what's up
Ciao a tutti
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sab 14 ago 2010 - 17:02

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
Hi JackL,
I edited your links because they where not correctly formatted (please take a look to the post source for details) and bring to a wrong address.
There are two different modes for indicating links:
1) This one (the simplest): -Link-
2) this one Visit winPenPack!

Sorry for "intrusion"
Best Regards
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sab 14 ago 2010 - 17:26


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359
Many thanks for your testing JackL
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