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X-OrbitDownloader !!PROBLEM!!

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sab 17 nov 2007 - 15:26
Utente registrato #7129
Registrato il: sab 17 nov 2007 - 15:01
Messaggi: 4

Hi! I have problem with X-OrbitDownloader,

first, reason for using this App is, because I'm using PC is a different kind of one,
that PC has setup like read-only, whole OS partition and OS is like read-only,
thing is we can save file change setting on OS, can do everything like normal PC,
but after restart the machine, every thins like previous.

So, that way comes to X-OrbitDownloader,
but even though X-Orbit work as a normal Orbit,

when next time I start the X-Orbit, Downloading list of previous moment, (means before restart) are,
got Vanished, incomplete downloads are on the Download folder, with (.ob!). but those are not showing on the X-Orbit.

Somebody Explain Me, Why?

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sab 17 nov 2007 - 16:15


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
Welcome to winPenPack

I think it's a bug
The problem refers to \User\Orbit\unfinish.dat file and absolute paths...
I'll try to fix it.

[ Modificato sab 17 nov 2007 - 16:15 ]
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sab 17 nov 2007 - 17:34
Utente registrato #7129
Registrato il: sab 17 nov 2007 - 15:01
Messaggi: 4

Got it!

I Just made some Experiment why is that happening,

1. i made a link to download and pause it, exit from the sys tray,
and starts again, paused file is haven't vanished.

2. by keeping that previous link in pause and, i made another link,
paused downloading it and, I have opened the "Task Manager" and i end the task XOrbit.

2nd file has got vanished, and 1st one is their.
normally this kind of thing never happen on App like GetRight,
so i think this is a Orbit App makers fault.


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dom 18 nov 2007 - 11:12
Utente registrato #7129
Registrato il: sab 17 nov 2007 - 15:01
Messaggi: 4
i think this is a Orbit App makers fault.

i just try it on normal orbit, thair is no problem with that,
so i think problem is on X-Orbit, not on normal orbit.
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dom 18 nov 2007 - 14:06
Utente registrato #7129
Registrato il: sab 17 nov 2007 - 15:01
Messaggi: 4

actually something serious happened to me with that problem,

i were downloading apple .mov trailers that moment, and while downloading x-orbit got closed by without a proper exiting,
so as i say, when next time I start the X-Orbit downloading list got vanished, and then I have completed the file by importing through broken downloads.

and finally while playing those videos, get stucked in the middle.

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sab 24 nov 2007 - 16:10


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
Sorry, but now we consider the program NOT Portable -Link-
However, we will continue with testing...

[ Modificato sab 24 nov 2007 - 16:10 ]
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