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X-MicroApache_2.0.69_rev_1_test_1 including X-Dokuwiki

Autore Messaggio
dom 16 mag 2010 - 18:33

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14

Please find hereafter the X-launchers for Micro-Apache used to run as a demonstration a personal dokuwiki.

First TEST Version (7.750.493 Byte/7,4 Mo)

I have chosen micro-apache over several other apache packages for window due to its really small size and footprint. It might not be the best one but I find it quite suitable for an USB use.

By default I use the port 2046 and ask apache to serve everything under $Doc/www. So just open a web browser and run 'localhost:2046' and you will access everything within $Doc/www.
Of course these choices can be changed from apache configuration file.

For X-Dokuwiki, I use X-Firefox as browser by default, to change this, adapt the X-Doluwiki.ini. Note that X-Firefox or whatever browser you choose should use RunWait=True.

WARNINGThis X-Lancher is definitely not configured to be used to serve files to the internet, it is aimed at a personal use only. That means that it is not securely configured (not to mention that I'm far from being an expert for that purpose), by default it only listens to the localhost. If you want to do more, review carefully its configuration

Some Portalisation notes
X-MicroApache and X-Dokuwiki use two different approaches :
- X-Microapache.ini just launch micro-apache. To stop it you have to use ApacheKill.exe from $Bin/MicroApache to stop it. I find this quite annoying, especially because it can prevent you to unmount your usb key if you forget to stop it
- for that reason I have chosen another approach for X-Dokuwiki where the main program is X-Firefox and X-MicroApache is launch before X-Firefox (RunBefore section) so that I can detect when X-Firefox is closed and launch ApacheKill afterwards (in RunAfter section). I find this more straightforwards for end-user than the previous approach. It's anyhow not the ideal solution I think (microapache is killed by X-Dokuwiki even if somebody else is using it...)
- for X-Dokuwiki approach I have extend x-udf.au3's _Runwait() function so that I can launch it without waiting (see in x-udf-pir.au3).

[ Modificato lun 21 feb 2011 - 21:55 ]
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