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[MUSIC Utility] Mixxx

Autore Messaggio
sab 08 dic 2007 - 15:23

Utente registrato #194
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 22:27
Messaggi: 1371

Nome Software:Mixxx
Direct Link al download: -Link-
Dimensione File: 15.1 MB (15868051)
Nome autore: Ken & Tue
eMail autore: (vedi sotto )
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Descrizione: Mixxx è un tool per DJ open source.
Permette il mixaggio di brani (tamite mouse) in modo molto agevole tramite un'interfaccia grafica molto carina.
Mixxx visualizza le trecce in modo parallelo e supporta diversi tipi di hardware per DJ e non.
Pieno supporto per controllers MIDI.
Supporta quasi tutti i formati audio più diffusi quali : MP3, Ogg Vorbis, e Wave
Mixxx supporta il drag&Drop dei files e delle playlists : M3U PLS .
Portable tips how-to: scaricare questo launcher e seguire le istruzioni -Link-
Licenza:GPL 2

codice sorgente scaricabile da QUI.

screenshot :

info originali :

Mixxx is an open source DJ tool designed for both professional and amateur DJs alike.

Mixxx allows DJs to mix music live with a clean, simple interface. Futhermore, Mixxx has a number of key features to help DJs in the mix: Beat estimation, parallel visual displays, and support for various DJ hardware controllers
Mixxx reads most popular sound formats, including MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Wave.
For communication, Mixxx supports MIDI controllers along with standard input devices such as joysticks and mice

Mixxx is available on all major desktop operating systems, including Windows (XP and Vista), Linux and OS X.

Mixxx is also open source, so it can be downloaded and used for free. Mixxx is distributed under the GPL.

Mixxx is designed with a strong focus on interaction. Mixxx is easy to use for novice and professional DJ's, including live performances.

Import M3U and PLS playlists from any program, as well as drag-and-drop tracks right into Mixxx

Credits :

Mixxx was started by Ken and Tue Haste Andersen. Today, the primary development is done by Adam Davison, along with many open source developers from around the world: Maintainer: Adam Davison
Mac/Linux Maintainer: Albert Santoni
Skins: Ludek Horácek (Traditional)
Tue Haste Andersen (Outline)
Ogg Vorbis support: Svein Magne Bang
Beat tracking: Tue Haste Andersen
Kristoffer Jensen
Playlist import: Ingo Kossyk
Beat phase sync: Torben Hohn
ALSA support: Peter Chang
SoundTouch support: Mads Holm
Spiffy icons: Tango Project
Other contributions: Lukas Zapletal Garth Dahlstrom
Ben Wheeler Jeremie Zimmermann
Tim Jackson Gianluca Romanin
Jan Jockusch Frank Willascheck
Special thanks to: Adam Bellinson

Mixxx also depends on a number of libraries. Without these, Mixxx would not be possible, especially as a cross-platform application. Lastly, we'd like to thank the many musicians and DJ's that have helped in designing Mixxx.

[ Modificato mar 18 dic 2007 - 01:05 ]
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lun 17 dic 2007 - 23:46
Utente registrato #5089
Registrato il: sab 09 giu 2007 - 02:27
Messaggi: 1461
Ice il file che hai indicato nel download mi porta ad un .exe che va scompattato con universal extractor.
Una volta lanciata l'applicazione lascia le seguenti tracce:

C:\Documents and Settings\nome_utente\mixxx.cfg
C:\Documents and Settings\nome_utente\mixxxtrack.xml

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mar 18 dic 2007 - 00:59


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Decomprimere l'archivio ZiP allegato >> inserire il programma in X-Mixxx\Bin\mixxx >> avviare X-Mixxx.exe

[ Modificato mar 18 dic 2007 - 01:10 ]
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Sito Web
mar 18 dic 2007 - 01:04
Utente registrato #5089
Registrato il: sab 09 giu 2007 - 02:27
Messaggi: 1461
Cioè hai già creato l'ini?
Sei sempre mitico
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sab 28 mar 2009 - 04:13
Utente registrato #5089
Registrato il: sab 09 giu 2007 - 02:27
Messaggi: 1461
X-Mixxx (portabilizzato) -Link-

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