winPenPack v3.6 released!
![]() | winPenPack has been updated to 3.6 version and all editions in .zip and .exe (setup) format are now available in the download section. Please report any bugs in this forum topic, where related fixes will be also available (2). Have a nice browsing on winPenPack! ![]() Change log: 1. General changes and fixed bugs ------------------------------------------ (all editions) updated winPenPack Menu to version:
(2gb, essential, school, web) fixed bug on multilingual installation of X-Firefox, X-Thunderbird and X-Sunbird on Windows 2000; (all editions) updated all X-Softwares to version 1.4 of X-Launcher; (2gb, essential, school, game) added utility to extract the Java setup in winPenPack $Lib$ folder (JavaGet). 2. Added programs ---------------------- (school, web) Kujawiak Viewer 1.5 (2gb) X-xChat 2.8.6-2 [rev1] (2gb) X-RapidSVN 0.12 [rev5] (school) X-LenMus 4.0 [rev2] (school) X-MediaPlayerClassic [rev8] (required to open midi files on X-Solfege) (game) X-Domination [rev3] (game, web) SumatraPDF 1.0.1 (essential) FreeFileSync 3.1 3. Removed programs ------------------------- (2gb, essential) X-Screamer Radio (license problems) (game) Solo r7849 (already included in Portable Puzzle Collection) (game) X-Risk (now X-Domination) (2gb) X-DcFirewall 1.3.113 [rev2] (writes too much in Windows registry, inadequate) (essential) PathSync 0.35 (replaced with FreeFileSync 3.1) 4. Updated Programs ------------------------ (2gb, essential, school, web, game) winPenPack Menù (2gb) Ant Movie Catalog (2gb) Daphne 1.39 (2gb) CrystalDiskInfo 3.2.0 (2gb) CrystalCPUID (2gb) Checkmate MP3 checker 0.19 (2gb) Daphne 1.45 (2gb) Money Manager Ex (2gb, essential, school) SumatraPDF 1.0.1 (2gb) VirtuaWin 4.1 (2gb, essential) X-7Zip 4.65 [rev6] (2gb) X-Abakt 0.9.5 [rev4] (2gb, essential, school) X-ANote 4.2.1 [rev5] (2gb, essential, school) X-AstroGrep 4.1.4 [rev5] (2gb, school) X-Audacity 1.3.9 beta [rev9] (2gb) X-Blender 2.49b [rev8] (2gb) X-BonkEnc 1.0.14 [rev3] (2gb, essential, school, web) X-Cafe 3.6 [rev2] (2gb) X-CDex 1.70 Beta2 [rev3] (2gb) X-CdDaXTractor 0.24 [rev2] (2gb, essential, school) X-CdrTools FrontEnd 1.3.6 [rev2] (2gb, essential) X-ClamWin 0.95.3 [rev2] (2gb) X-DCPlusPlus 0.750 [rev8] (2gb) X-DivFix++ 0.34 [rev5] (2gb) X-dvdisaster 0.72.1 [rev9] (2gb) X-EasyTag 2.1.6 [rev7] (2gb) X-Eraser 5.87 [rev4] (2gb, essential, web) X-FileZilla [rev22] (2gb, essential, school, web) X-Firefox 3.5.5 [rev14] (2gb) X-FreeOTFE 5.10 [rev4] (2gb, essential, school, web) X-Gimp 2.6.7 [rev16] (2gb, essential) X-Halite 0.3.2 [rev7] (2gb, essential) X-HFS 2.3 beta Build 250 [rev7] (2gb) X-ISPack 5.3.6 [rev4] (2gb) X-InkScape 0.47-3 [rev10] (2gb) X-Juice 2.2.2-a1 [rev4] (2gb, essential) X-KeePass 1.16 [rev9] (2gb, essential, web) X-KompoZer 0.8 beta 1 [rev10] (2gb, essential) X-Lightscreen 1.0 [rev2] (2gb) X-MagicMailMonitor 2.94b19 [rev8] (2gb) X-MediaPlayerClassic [rev8] (2gb, essential) X-Mule 0.49c [rev15] (2gb) X-muCommander 0.8.4 [rev3] (2gb) X-Miranda IM 0.8.10 [rev7] (2gb, web) X-Notepad++ 5.6 [rev12] (2gb, essential, school) 3.1.1 [rev13] (2gb, essential, school) X-Pidgin 2.6.4 [rev13] (2gb, school) X-Planner 0.14.3 [rev9] (2gb) X-Regshot 1.8.2 [rev5] (2gb) X-RSSOwl 2.0.1 [rev5] (2gb, essential, school, web) X-SciTE 2.01 [rev8] (2gb, school) X-Scribus [rev8] (2gb) X-StartupManager 2.4.2 re [rev5] (2gb, essential, school) X-Sunbird 0.9 [rev5] (2gb, essential, school) X-Thunderbird [rev3] (2gb) X-Synkron 1.6.1 [rev3] (2gb) X-TightVNC 1.3.10 [rev3] (2gb, school) X-Translate.Net 0.1.3493.4408 [rev6] (2gb, essential, school) X-VideoLAN 1.0.3 [rev8] (2gb) X-VirtualDub 1.9.7 [rev2] (2gb, essential) X-WackGet 1.2.2 [rev2] (2gb) X-WinFF 1.1 [rev3] (2gb) X-WinHTTrack 3.43-7 [rev5] (2gb, web) X-WinMerge 2.12.4 [rev11] (2gb, web) X-WinSCP 4.2.4 beta [rev13] (2gb, web) X-wpp_Pampa 0.6 [rev6] (2gb) X-xpy 1.0.0 [rev5] (2gb, essential) X-xVideoServiceThief 2.3 [rev10] (2gb) X-Zphoto 1.2 [rev4] (2gb) X-UniExtract 1.6 [rev3] (school) TuxType 1.8.0 (school) X-Celestia 1.6.0 [rev4] (school) X-Dia 0.97 [rev9] (school) X-FET 5.11.0 [rev5] (school) X-FreeMind 0.9.0 Rc6 [rev7] (school) X-GeoGebra [rev6] (school) X-GEONExT 1.73 [rev5] (school) X-Gnuplot 4.2.6 [rev4] (school) X-JstencilReport 0.3.5 [rev3] (school) X-Jreepad 1.5 [rev2] (school) X-Kseg 0.401 [rev3] (school) X-LeoCAD 0.75-3074 [rev5] (school) X-MuseScore 0.9.5 [rev4] (school) X-Psycle [rev7] (school) X-Solfege 3.14.9 [rev9] (school) X-StarDict 3.0.2 [rev7] (school) X-Stellarium 0.10.2 [rev6] (school) X-Workrave 1.9.0 [rev8] (school) X-TuxMath 1.7.2 [rev3] (school) X-TuxPaint 0.9.21 [rev6] (web) e107 Website System 0.7.16 (game) Portable Puzzle Collection r8655 (game) Mega Mario 1.6 (game) Glest 3.2.1 (game) X-HattrickOrganizer 1.425 [rev5] (game) X-PokerTH 0.7.1 [rev7] (game) X-xMoto 0.5.2 [rev2] (game) The Open Racing Car Simulator 1.3.1 5. Applications become X-Softwares ----------------------------------------- (game) X-PipeWalker 0.7.2 [rev1] (game) X-FooBillard 3.0 [rev1] 6. Applications become Portable Softwares ------------------------------------------------- (2gb) Ditto Portable (2gb, essential, school, web, game) SumatraPDF 1.0.1 (essential) DékiBulle 3.31 (school) TuxType 1.8.0 7. Updated Libraries ----------------------- (2gb, school) FFmpeg for Audacity 2009.07.20 (2gb, school) Ghostscript 8.70 (2gb, essential, school, game) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 17 (2gb, essential, school) GTK+ for Windows 2.14.7 Rev A (2gb) Python 2.6.2 8. Added Libraries -------------------- (school) CSound 5.11.1 (school) WinMMA 1.2 (school) WyabdcRealPeopleTTS 2.1.0 (2gb) YafaRay 0.1.1 (essential, web) Ghostscript 8.70 |
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