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Get Name Last Updated Developer       Size       DL's Rating
Midi Sheet Music 2.4 16.04.12 - 20:00 Madhav Vaidyanathan 648 kB 5667 Not rated
Midipiano 10.01.12 - 14:34 ZiZii Wan 1013.76 kB 4990 10/1
OpenGF 1.1 RC2 29.01.09 - 21:04 Pierre-Yves Ricau 5.59 MB 3863 Not rated
MiniPiano 2.5 15.10.08 - 00:38 Mauricio Antunes Oliveira 15.47 kB 4788 8.5/2
TinyPiano 0.81e 17.04.07 - 14:30 tacc2000 24 kB 15081 9/1
GiveMeTac 1.1 12.04.07 - 11:13 Graphys 801 kB 3501 Not rated
Recall the Melody 1.0 02.03.07 - 19:00 Johannes Wallroth 232 kB 4262 Not rated
Guitools 1.7 02.03.07 - 12:59 JLD Software 1.05 MB 5023 Not rated

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