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Why X-Firefox does not keep the cache of visited sites?
Due to obvious space saving request on Your flash drive and to avoid a phisical wear down of it, with continuous read/write operations, made by your profile cache folder, X-Firefox sets the cache folder into a temporary directory onto host hard drive, and deletes these data each time the program is closed.

The cache temporary folder is:
(C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Temp\ X-Firefox\Cache\Default\Cache)

In fact, if You open user.js file, containing all X-Firefox settings and located in X-Firefox_X.X\ User\ Firefox\ Profiles\ Default, You can see the cache related string is:
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.parent_directory", "C:\\DOCUME~1\\USER\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\X-Firefox\\Cache\\Default");

If You want to save the cache data in X-Firefox folder, You can add following instructions into your X-Firefox.ini file:


Anyway, You can always check Your cache saving path using the following string in your X-Firefox address bar: about:cache

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