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Aggiornamento: X-Calibre

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Author Post
Fri 10 Jan 2014 - 10:27


Registered Member #251
Joined: Mon 22 Jan 2007 - 10:12
Location: Buttrio (UD)
Posts: 3360
X-Calibre 1.19.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.18.0 alla 1.19.0

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--- edit zandet2 ---
software wpp aggiornato

[ Edited Fri 10 Jan 2014 - 23:59 ]
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Fri 17 Jan 2014 - 16:49
Registered Member #4134
Joined: Sat 14 Apr 2007 - 11:42
Posts: 916
X-Calibre 1.20.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.19.0 alla 1.20.0

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--- edit zandet2 ---
software wpp aggiornato

[ Edited Tue 21 Jan 2014 - 22:38 ]
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Fri 24 Jan 2014 - 17:14
Registered Member #4134
Joined: Sat 14 Apr 2007 - 11:42
Posts: 916
X-Calibre 1.21.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.20.0 alla 1.21.0

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Fri 31 Jan 2014 - 12:18
Registered Member #4134
Joined: Sat 14 Apr 2007 - 11:42
Posts: 916
X-Calibre 1.22.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.21.0 alla 1.22.0

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New Features
A new tool to compare ebook files, showing the differences in their underlying text, styles and images side by side
The new compare tool is very useful in combination with the book editor. It allows you to see what changes have been made between checkpoints and what changes were made by automated tools. You can also compare different versions of the same ebook file. How to use each of these features is described below. Screenshots and help for using the new compare tool are at -Link-
Edit book: Add a tool to view the list of checkpoints and compare the current state of the book to the state at the specified checkpoint. To use it click View->Checkpoints
Edit book: Add a tool to compare the book being currently edited with another file. To use it go to File->Compare to other book
... and other changes
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Fri 07 Feb 2014 - 11:57
Registered Member #4134
Joined: Sat 14 Apr 2007 - 11:42
Posts: 916
X-Calibre 1.23.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.22.0 alla 1.23.0

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What's new: -Link-
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Fri 14 Feb 2014 - 21:56


Registered Member #675
Joined: Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 23:49
Location: Salvitelle (Sa)
Posts: 12717
X-Calibre 1.24.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.23.0 alla 1.24.0

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Fri 21 Feb 2014 - 14:43


Registered Member #675
Joined: Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 23:49
Location: Salvitelle (Sa)
Posts: 12717
X-Calibre 1.25.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.24.0 alla 1.25.0

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Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 14:31


Registered Member #675
Joined: Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 23:49
Location: Salvitelle (Sa)
Posts: 12717
X-Calibre 1.26.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.25.0 alla 1.25.0

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Fri 07 Mar 2014 - 15:09


Registered Member #675
Joined: Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 23:49
Location: Salvitelle (Sa)
Posts: 12717
X-Calibre 1.27.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.26.0 alla 1.27.0

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Fri 14 Mar 2014 - 14:38


Registered Member #675
Joined: Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 23:49
Location: Salvitelle (Sa)
Posts: 12717
X-Calibre 1.28.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 1.27.0 alla 1.28.0

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