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Tue 12 Apr 2016 - 14:59

Registered Member #41707
Joined: Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 08:45
Posts: 29

Ciao Ciao,

first mille grazie for the whole Portable Programs, especially the update of LibreOffice, mille mille grazie !
i love it !

but by the side.. it's an bit huge for let reading from the usb-stick for a Writer Programm only.
so, my suggestion, making Abiword portable : -Link-
Our latest stable release is version 3.0.1.

with the version 3 and the long time existing it's really well too for making
portable with X-Launcher/starter too. because it's not so heavywight and i guess, starts really fast !
if someone want only a Text/Wordprozessor.

I estimate the X-Starter/launcher very, because it's makes possible for
use the software over lan without a Driveletter, and there it is stong,
because i have a server on my basement for private only and also as samba/nfs-server
with different Systems and don't use driveletters.

and the 2nd, you e in the possible copy this portable software where you whant..
and not like the builders want.. *thumps up!!* (like by pa*thumps down*..grahh..)

thank you for you very well work over the last years !
pretty damn well done ! Thank you for that !
Mille Gracie !!

best regards
Communityuser of OpenMandriva
Communityuser of Reactos
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Tue 12 Apr 2016 - 16:44


Registered Member #251
Joined: Mon 22 Jan 2007 - 10:12
Location: Buttrio (UD)
Posts: 3363
Hi Blackcrack,
first of all many thanks for your enthusiastic post! we love it!
Anyway, we already have in our download area last WINDOWS version of Abiword, ready to use.
to make portable last 3.* version we need the installer of new version. But looking for it I found this message:
Please note Windows users: Due to lack of Windows developers on the project, the latest version for Windows is 2.8.6. Download the installer.

So, we can't make it portable until now.
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