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Virtual machine

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Mon 02 May 2022 - 13:28
Registered Member #41787
Joined: Thu 10 Jul 2014 - 14:23
Posts: 62

Hi all

exists a "portable tool" that allow us to create and run Virtual machines?
I read that VirtualBox isn't usable

Thank you
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Mon 02 May 2022 - 16:37
Registered Member #9
Joined: Sat 20 Jan 2007 - 21:36
Location: Veglie
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valentino.b wrote ...

Hi all

exists a "portable tool" that allow us to create and run Virtual machines?
I read that VirtualBox isn't usable

Thank you

Many years ago I used to translate this software, MobaliveCD.
Is not portable, but it's a stand-alone program that works as a virtual machine for Live-CD. With this program you can test a live OS before a final installation (usually Linux OS live CD).
In any case, I'll try to find a more suitable program for you.
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Sat 28 May 2022 - 08:58
Registered Member #41787
Joined: Thu 10 Jul 2014 - 14:23
Posts: 62
I found GreenVBOX ( that can execute v.6.1.34 (lastest) of VirtuaBox without installation.

It seems a freeware that can execute VirtuaBox like a portable.
It could become a product of WinPenPack?
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Sat 28 May 2022 - 10:11
Registered Member #9
Joined: Sat 20 Jan 2007 - 21:36
Location: Veglie
Posts: 1796
valentino.b wrote ...

I found GreenVBOX ( that can execute v.6.1.34 (lastest) of VirtuaBox without installation.

It seems a freeware that can execute VirtuaBox like a portable.
It could become a product of WinPenPack?

I don't think so, because they prefer to include only opensource programs.
Test it with Regshot.
Obviously you have to take a shot before installing GreenVBOX and another one after the program installation.
Maybe the staff can consider it despite the freeware license.

[ Edited Sat 28 May 2022 - 13:15 ]
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Sun 29 May 2022 - 13:26

Registered Member #41707
Joined: Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 08:45
Posts: 29
qemu, is portable, download the zip-package for you're Architecture (x86 or x86_64)

i see only setupfiles ? bahh.. extract the setup in a folder, include subfolders, go in and start qemu with "/?" switch
and read the Manual/Documentary/instructions..

you can guide the qemu with bachfiles or directly with switches... (qemu.exe --bla --bla --bla"

qemu was in the past a linux-binary in a rpm and be made later as a windows-binarys too..

therewith know i am , to be normally in native, portable, without a "Copy and link programm (so a setup programm)"
because this, can you unpack qemu and put it into a folder&usb-stick and should run..


[ Edited Mon 30 May 2022 - 11:23 ]
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