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MJ Registry Watcher: una nuova occhiata

Author Post
Thu 31 Jan 2013 - 11:24

Registered Member #4287
Joined: Fri 20 Apr 2007 - 16:55
Posts: 571

Allora, linko un vecchio thread chiuso

poiché a suo tempo il programma non era free e richiedeva un file licenza.

Già dalla vecchia versione non era più così. Ora il programma ha raggiunto la versione e queste sono gli aggiornamenti:

› Added "Pause Scanning" option to tray icon menu with options for pausing the sweep
for various amounts of time, ranging from 1 minute up to 4 hours before sweeps resume.
› Added "Check for Updates" option to tray icon menu.
› Added option to minimize MJRW when a user tries to close the program when the main
window is visible.
› Added hkey_lmus\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\plmvolatile to
the exempt keys and filespecs list. Windows 8 updates this key whenever a Metro tile
changes its content.
› Added customization files that survive a software update. There are 3 files - one
for Key Lists, one for Exempt Values, and one for Exempt Keys and Filespecs.

L'ho brevemente testato e sembra essere nativamente portabile.
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