News Item: winPenPack v3.5.1 released!
(Category: New releases and fixes)
Posted by Danix
Friday 02 January 2009 - 12:48:45

winPenPack has been updated to 3.5.1 version, bug-fix release that corrects some errors of previous 3.5 version. All editions in .zip format are available in the download section.

Change log:

1. General changes
(2gb, essential, school) modified the structure, the applications classification and the subdivision of categories in winPenPack 2Gb, Essential and School menu;

(all editions) optimized documentation and menus, fixed little errors;

(all editions) fixed the installation setup, default installation path removed;

(2gb, essential, school, web) improved Mozilla builder for X-Firefox, X-Thunderbird and X-Sunbird.

2. Fixed bugs ( -Link- -Link- )
(2gb) error at Virtual Magnifying Glass first run: included in \Bin directory (omitted by mistake) and launcher updated for new program version;

(2gb, essential, school) error at first run, caused by an installation path too long. Note: (portable and/or in original form) seems not to support too long paths, therefore, in case of error, winPenPack should be extracted/installed choosing a shorter path, for example H:\ or C:\winPenPack ( -Link- );

(school) error on X-Fet installation procedure caused by installation path too long. The setup installer fails to extract some files with a too long path name, therefore, in case of error, install winPenPack choosing a shorter path, for example H:\ or C:\winPenPack ( -Link- );

(2gb, essential, school, web) error adding "winPenPack: Search" plugin into X-Firefox;

(school) error at X-Solfege first run, caused by GTK version;

(school) error at X-Workrave first run, caused by GTK version.

3. winPenPacks size notes
All languages (.zip or setup.exe):

2gb: 1,66 Gb
essential: 845 Mb
game: 962 Mb
school: 1,54 Gb
web: 266 Mb

Only Italian and English (setup.exe,
custom installation):

2gb: 1,47 GB
essential: 745 MB
game: 865 MB
school: 1,29 GB
web: 208 MB

4. Added Programs
(2gb) JkDefragStarter 1.18.2

5. Removed programs
(game) CG Madness
(school) OpenGF

6. Updated Programs
(2gb) X-BonkEnc 1.0.10 [rev2]
(2gb) X-QuteCom 2.2 rc3 [rev1]
(2gb) X-VirtualDub 1.8.7 [rev1]
(2gb) X-WinFF 0.45 [rev2]
(2gb) X-MagicMailMonitor 2.94b18 [rev7]
(2gb) X-DivFix++ 0.31 [rev3]
(2gb) CrystalDiskInfo 2.0.4
(2gb) Money Manager Ex
(2gb, essential) X-7Zip 4.63 [rev5]
(2gb, essential, web) X-FileZilla 3.2.0-rc1 [rev19]
(2gb, essential, school, web) X-Firefox 3.0.5 [rev12]
(2gb, essential, school) X-Thunderbird [rev3]
(2gb, school) X-Planner 0.14.3 [rev6]
(2gb, web) X-Notepad++ 5.1.3 [rev8]
(2gb, web) phpMyAdmin
(school) X-FET 5.7.7 [rev3]
(school) X-FreeMind 0.9.0 Rc1 [rev4]
(web) e107 Website System 0.7.15 + fixes (CVS)
(game) X-HattrickOrganizer 1.422 [rev2]

7. Applications become X-Softwares
(2gb) X-JkDefrag 3.36 [rev1]

8. Updated Libraries
(2gb, essential, school) GTK+ for Windows 2.14.6

9. Requirements
Programs that require Microsoft .NET Framework installed into used PC:

(2gb) X-WeatherNotify
(2gb) winMd5Sum
(2gb) X-DriverBackup!
(2gb) X-QuteCom
(2gb, school) X-Translate.Net
(2gb, essential, school) X-AstroGrep

Java Runtime Environment (, already included into \Lib\Java:
(2gb, school, essential, game) some X-Softwares

Python (, already included into \Lib\Python:
(2gb) X-Blender

This news item is from winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection
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