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Rilasciato X-ApacheOpenOffice 3.4.0 Portable Multilingual
Informiamo che The Apache OpenOffice PPMC ha autorizzato la pubblicazione della prima versione portatile di Apache OpenOffice (dettagli..). Siamo quindi lieti di annunciare il rilascio di X-ApacheOpenOffice_3.4.0_rev1. Per questa prima versione abbiamo previsto un pacchetto che contiene 5 lingue (en-US, it, es, fr, de) e un altro che include tutte le lingue disponibili.

Buon download a tutti!
Il winPenPack Team
 Danix, lunedì 23 luglio 2012 - 14:27:28 Aggiungi un commento - commenti: 5 Stampa veloce
 Agam  il: 27.07.12 - 18:21 - Commenti: 3

I tried the new X-ApacheOpenOffice 3.4.0 [rev1] but cannot run it - after the question to download java - nothing is running. (using XPpro SP3)
J. Agam

 Danix  il: 27.07.12 - 20:41 - Commenti: 241

I just tested X-ApacheOpenOffice on a clean Xp pro SP3 but everything worked perfectly. Can you run the program on another computer?

 Agam  il: 28.07.12 - 23:57 - Commenti: 3

I use for a long time the x-OpenOffice 3.3 on my XP pro SP3 PCs and works well.
Now i tested the 00 3.4 (not running on my XP, also not with installed Java) on windows 7 (32bit) and it works, but there is another problem: the program do not remember the switch "not to use Java" (Options) and ask allways again to install and download Java.

 Agam  il: 29.07.12 - 09:21 - Commenti: 3

I found the problem: AOO 3.4 needs unfortunately (!!!) the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) ... (not on my XP-SP3)

 ZioZione  il: 29.07.12 - 10:18 - Commenti: 102

Hi Agam,
for support, please refer to the forum, otherwise all these informations could be not available for the other users...
If you don't want that OpenOffice bothers you requiring to install Java at every execution, is enough to edit X-OpenOffice.ini file and, under [Options] section, set "Java=false". This could fix.
Best Regards

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