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X-Gimp 2.4.0 [rev4] - some problems and fixes

Autore Messaggio
gio 25 ott 2007 - 13:18
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68

I would like to share with some issues I encountered with the newest x-gimp program:
1) under brushes there is only clipboard selection unil you click "open the brush selection dialog" button (with painter) and then "refresh brushes" button (with cirkled arrows)
2) somehow, fu-scripts originally conteined in X-Gimp_2[1].4.0_rev4\Bin\Gimp\share\gimp\2.0\scripts directory, are only partially visible in menu under filters/alpha to logo - but even there it is inactive ... unless you click "xtns" menu in main window and there in "script-fu" you click "refresh scripts" option - this activate fu scripts in alpha to logo menu. What is interesting, programm recognize properly externally added scripts - as in user folder (in gimp/scripts file) as added to the main Bin\Gimp\share\gimp\2.0\scripts folder.
3) For those using liquid plugin - it wont work applied according creators guideline - you have to put exe file directly in User\Gimp\plug-ins file - then work fine

Does anybody know how to fix point 1 and 2 permamently?
I hope my short review will help a little for other gimp enthusiasts
please share your experience as well

best regards
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gio 25 ott 2007 - 13:51
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68
...I forgot to mention that paterns appeared as well only after refreshing as point no.1 above
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gio 25 ott 2007 - 13:53


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
JackL did you tray the normal-install version? The problem is not present?
It is a bug of portable (X) version... I Think....
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gio 25 ott 2007 - 14:10
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68
frankly speaking, it was aloooong loooong time I installed anything in regular way :]]]] the answear is - I don't know
cheers Danix
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ven 26 ott 2007 - 00:20


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
JackL ha scritto ...

frankly speaking, it was aloooong loooong time I installed anything in regular way :]]]]

Point 1
Ok, now I think it's ok... I think....
Replace X-Gimp.ini and X-Gimp.exe (please let me now if ALL problems are fixed).

JackL ha scritto ...

2) somehow, fu-scripts originally conteined in X-Gimp_2[1].4.0_rev4\Bin\Gimp\share\gimp\2.0\scripts directory, are only partially visible in menu under filters/alpha to logo - but even there it is inactive ... unless you click "xtns" menu in main window and there in "script-fu" you click "refresh scripts" option - this activate fu scripts in alpha to logo menu. What is interesting, programm recognize properly externally added scripts - as in user folder (in gimp/scripts file) as added to the main Bin\Gimp\share\gimp\2.0\scripts folder.

For the point 2 read this: -Link-

Redesigned menus

The user interface has been redesigned, especially the top and context menus. There is now a seperate menu for colors, and the ScriptFu and PythonFu menu are no longer available. All filters and plugins can now be found in the Filters menu. For instance: Script-Fu -> Shadows -> Drop Shadow is now located at Filters -> Light and Shadow -> Drop Shadow. This is much more intuitive.

[ Modificato ven 26 ott 2007 - 00:49 ]
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ven 26 ott 2007 - 09:33
Utente registrato #6127
Registrato il: mar 18 set 2007 - 16:36
Messaggi: 68
Hi, Danix- respect - all work fine now - I have to compare Ini files what has changed - perhaps one day I will be able to provide solution myself :]
What have you changed in exe file ... and how?
as for script fu - U R absolutely right except one part - perhaps it's only my experience but still to activate scripts in menu under filters/alpha to logo - you have to click "xtns" menu in main window and there in "script-fu" you have to click "refresh scripts" option.
thanks a lot anyway for other fixes
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ven 26 ott 2007 - 14:39


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
JackL ha scritto ...

What have you changed in exe file ... and how?



Because: -Link-

JackL ha scritto ...

perhaps it's only my experience but still to activate scripts in menu under filters/alpha to logo - you have to click "xtns" menu in main window and there in "script-fu" you have to click "refresh scripts" option.

Sorry but if it is a bug, is a bug of Gimp.
The normal-install Gimp version works in the same way and have the same "problem"...

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