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Aggiornamento: X-Stellarium

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Autore Messaggio
lun 09 set 2013 - 22:32


Utente registrato #675
Registrato il: mar 23 gen 2007 - 23:49
Provenienza: Salvitelle (Sa)
Messaggi: 12717
X-Stellarium 0.12.3
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.12.2 alla 0.12.3

Home: -Link-
Direct link: -Link-

--- edit zandet2 ---
software wpp aggiornato

[ Modificato lun 16 set 2013 - 22:36 ]
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dom 29 set 2013 - 21:42


Utente registrato #675
Registrato il: mar 23 gen 2007 - 23:49
Provenienza: Salvitelle (Sa)
Messaggi: 12717
X-Stellarium 0.12.4
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.12.3 alla 0.12.4

Home: -Link-
Direct link: -Link-

--- edit zandet2 ---
software wpp aggiornato

[ Modificato ven 04 ott 2013 - 23:38 ]
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sab 19 lug 2014 - 14:27


Utente registrato #675
Registrato il: mar 23 gen 2007 - 23:49
Provenienza: Salvitelle (Sa)
Messaggi: 12717
X-Stellarium 0.13.0
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.12.4 alla 0.13.0

Home: -Link-
Direct link: -Link-
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dom 19 ott 2014 - 17:22
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
X-Stellarium 0.13.1
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.13.0 alla 0.13.1

Home: -Link-
Download page: -Link-
Direct link not portable: -Link-

What's new: -Link-

--- edit zandet2 ---
software wpp aggiornato

[ Modificato mer 22 ott 2014 - 20:32 ]
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mar 20 gen 2015 - 22:10
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
X-Stellarium 0.13.2
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.13.1 alla 0.13.2

Home: -Link-
Sourceforge download page: -Link-
Direct link not portable: -Link-

What's new: -Link-
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dom 26 apr 2015 - 21:47


Utente registrato #675
Registrato il: mar 23 gen 2007 - 23:49
Provenienza: Salvitelle (Sa)
Messaggi: 12717
X-Stellarium 0.13.3
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.13.0 alla 0.13.3

Home: -Link-
Direct link: -Link-
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ven 23 ott 2015 - 19:28
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
Rcs ha scritto ...

X-Stellarium 0.13.3
Link winPenPack

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.13.0 alla 0.13.3

Home: -Link-
Direct link: -Link-

Per favore potreste aggiornare il programma in download?
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ven 30 ott 2015 - 15:11
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
X-Stellarium 0.14.0
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.13.3 alla 0.14.0

Home: -Link-
Sourceforge download page: -Link-
Direct link 32 bit not portable: -Link-
Direct link 64 bit not portable: -Link-

What's new: -Link-
Complete what's new at Launchpad: -Link-
Launchpad download page: -Link-
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mer 02 dic 2015 - 12:55
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
X-Stellarium 0.14.1
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.14.0 alla 0.14.1

Home: -Link-
Sourceforge download page: -Link-
Direct link 32 bit not portable: -Link-
Direct link 64 bit not portable: -Link-

Stellarium at (Developer page): -Link-
Complete what's new at Launchpad: -Link-
Launchpad download page: -Link-

le versioni per Windows indicate in download sono state compilate con Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.

[ Modificato mer 02 dic 2015 - 18:08 ]
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ven 08 gen 2016 - 19:09
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 922
X-Stellarium 0.14.2
Link winPenPack -Link-

Aggiornamento dalla versione 0.14.1 alla 0.14.2

Home: -Link-
Launchpad download page: -Link-
Direct link 32 bit not portable: -Link-
Direct link 64 bit not portable: -Link-
Stellarium mirror at Sourceforge: -Link-

What's new:
List of changes between version 0.14.1 and 0.14.2:
- Reduce planet brightness in daylight (LP: #1503248)
- Fixed perspective mode with offset viewport in scenery3d (LP: #1509728)
- Fixed wrong altitudes for some locations (LP: #1530759)
- Fixed some skyculture links
- Fixed editing some shortcut keys (LP: #1530567)
- Fixed drawing reticle for telescope (LP: #1526348)
- Fixed wrong altitude of culmination in Observability plugin (LP: #1531561)
- Fixed connection troubles in Telescope Control Plugin on Windows (LP: #1530372)
- Refactoring coloring markers of the DSO
- Removed info about Moon phases (avoid inconsistency for strings).
- Updated default config options
- Updated icons for View dialog
- Updated Stellarium DSO Catalog
- Added list of dwarf galaxies (Search Tool)
- Added improvements in Scenery 3D plugin

- Stellarium classic version 32 bit: Stellarium 0.14.2 for Windows (32-bit; Windows XP) based on Qt 5.5.1 (MinGW GCC 4.9.2; OpenGL) with audio support. This is classic Windows application with support 3rd-party plugins;
- Stellarium 64 bit: Stellarium 0.14.2 for Windows (64-bit) based on Qt 5.5.1 (Visual Studio Express 2013) with audio support.
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