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[BUG] GnuCash 2.3.4 rev 7

Autore Messaggio
gio 27 ago 2009 - 07:40
Utente registrato #33554
Registrato il: mar 14 lug 2009 - 14:40
Messaggi: 6

Software name: Software [2.3.4] - X-Launcher [1.4] - INI [rev7]

Link winPenPack: -Link-

Bug or NOT portability motivation: X-GnuCash 2.3.4 fails while starting up. Fails during loading standard-reports part of start up sequence.

Software license: GPL

Possible fix (optional):

Windows GnuCash nightly builds r18248 and earlier successfully run with this launcher. However, any later windows nightly build such as that included with X-GnuCash 2.3.4 rev 7 will not run.

The likely cause is that there have been modifications to reports, including a change that adds a new standard-reports directory. I am sure there is a simple launcher INI file modification for this, but I am not familiar with X-Launcher. Can someone have a look at this please? Running WinMerge will show the changes between directory structures that exist up to r18248, and then the changes in later versions. If you run WinMerge against X-GnuCash 2.3.3 and X-GnuCash 2.3.4 the changes in directories will be clear.

The new standard-reports directory included after version r18248 is:

...\X-GnuCash 2.3.4\bin\gnucash\share\gnucash\guile-modules\gnucash\report\standard-reports\*.*

It is this "standard-reports" directory that did not exist in Windows nightly buildsr18248 and earlier that is probably confusing the launcher, and causing the portable app to fail during start up. Can anyone fix this?


Kim Wood
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gio 27 ago 2009 - 18:46


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12959
A variable has been forgotten.
Just add this code under the [Environment] section in your X-GnuCash.ini:


or check for the rev_8 (launcher):

Thanks for reporting.

[ Modificato gio 27 ago 2009 - 20:16 ]
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