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[moved] de (german) translation for x-cafe

Autore Messaggio
sab 11 set 2010 - 17:11
Utente registrato #39221
Registrato il: dom 05 set 2010 - 09:49
Messaggi: 5


I've translated the menu of x-cafe into german. Now I would - if the winpenpack team is interested in - send you the text file, which contains the german translation for x-cafe.

do i have to create a zip in order to send you the text file? to which person should I send the file?

kind regards.
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sab 11 set 2010 - 18:28

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
Hi go4unkwn,
you can use the "Translations" forum (in the English section, at the same level of this forum), that has been created for translations of the wPP menu, or you can also post it as attachment of a new post.
Thank you for your contribution!
Best Regards

EDIT: Another admin has moved this thread directly in the "Translations" english forum, so you can well understand where we expect you to post your translation...

[ Modificato sab 11 set 2010 - 21:10 ]
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lun 13 set 2010 - 16:00
Utente registrato #39221
Registrato il: dom 05 set 2010 - 09:49
Messaggi: 5
Thanks for your reply and help.

I've the language file de.lan attached as a zip file "de".
You have to put the unzipped file into bin/cafe/lng and the bin/cafe/src/lng folder.
After that you can select the german language in Preferences>Langauge Choice>de.

Kind regards
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mar 14 set 2010 - 12:20


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12961
Added the german translation to X-Cafe 3.6 [rev2] -Link-
Thank you for your contribution!
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