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Bug after installation of X-Thunderbird 12.0.1 [rev8]

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lun 18 giu 2012 - 10:25

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165

After the installation of X-Thunderbird 12.0.1 [rev8] the following 2 error messages will appears: error message No. 1 and error message No. 2

Moreover there is now the release version 13.0.1 of Thunderbird.

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 10:38 ]
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 11:18


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3360
Hi dropper,
this issue happens because, until version 12.0.1, on mozilla servers is not present the correct "latest" folder, where our launcher is searching for the last installation *.exe to DL and portabilize.
Since this morning, on mozilla servers, ALL thunderbrid folders referring to "latest" are removed.
Mozilla servers are not in line with our default path for thunderbird update.
Here below, FYI, current paths about "releases" present on mozilla servers:
Thunderbird: -Link-
Firefox: -Link-
please note differences in "latest"
we always keep the right exe, for each language,from within:
So You have these 2 error messages:
- first one because folder is not existing at all
- second one because update/installation process won't end correctly, referring on first issue.

For your Info, the problem is affecting only thunderbird updates, in fact same path is still present and functional on firefox folders.

Anyway, if you want to use latest (13.0.1) X-thunderbird version, you can do a "manual" update following these steps:
-- be sure to close your official X-Thunderbird
- download current "X-Thunderbird 12.0.1 [rev8]" -Link- (BTW, you have already it, otherwise you never wrote this post )
- download last Thunderbird setup file from this link: -Link- selecting your preferred language
- put the downloaded "Thunderbird Setup 13.0.1.exe" in the "" -> "\Lib\Mozilla\Thunderbird\setup\" folder
create in a new location (path) your "temporary x-thunderbird" release
- run "X-Thunderbird.exe" and wait for the end of creation procedure
- do not put data for new account, skip it and close new "X-thunderbird"

now you can substitute the "Thunderbird" folder present in YOUR OFFICIAL X-THUNDERBIRD/Bin/ with the new one present in YOUR TEMPORARY X-THUNDERBIRD/Bin/ My suggestion: rename the old one as: Thunderbird_12 (or something similar) and copy the new one in the same place.

Now you have the 13.0.1 portable version fully funcional.
NOTE: at first run, your "official" updated version will check if all extensions/add-ons You use are updated. If not, the program will automatically udate them (this happens more or less each time you have "lightning" installed)

now You

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 11:27 ]
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 12:19


Utente registrato #3184
Registrato il: mar 06 mar 2007 - 11:52
Provenienza: Busto Arsizio
Messaggi: 3301
dropper ha scritto ...

Moreover there is now the release version 13.0.1 of Thunderbird.

Hi dropper, we are just ready with the new X-Thunderbird 13.0.1 (and X-Firefox 13.0.1 too), but we cannot release them 'cause SourceForge is sperimenting a technical fail in the last two days, and do not allow any new download.

At the moment we, and all of the rest of SourceForge community, are waiting for the solution to restart with the new release.
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 13:12

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
Taf wrote ...

- download last Thunderbird setup file from this link: -Link- selecting your preferred language
- put the downloaded "Thunderbird Setup 13.0.1.exe" in the "" -> "\Lib\Mozilla\Thunderbird\setup\" folder
create in a new location (path) your "temporary x-thunderbird" release
- run "X-Thunderbird.exe" and wait for the end of creation procedure
- do not put data for new account, skip it and close new "X-thunderbird"

now you can substitute the "Thunderbird" folder present in YOUR OFFICIAL X-THUNDERBIRD/Bin/ with the new one present in YOUR TEMPORARY X-THUNDERBIRD/Bin/ My suggestion: rename the old one as: Thunderbird_12 (or something similar) and copy the new one in the same place.

I have tried to understand your explanation.

  1. Firstly I must extract the file "".
  2. Afterwards I put the downloaded file "Thunderbird Setup 13.0.1.exe" in the folder "X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Lib\Mozilla\Thunderbird\setup\".
  3. Now I run the file "X-Thunderbird.exe" and wait of the end of the creation procedure.
  4. Finally I copy the folder "Thunderbird", which is contained in the folder "X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Bin\.
  5. Now I install the file "" in the winPenPackNet Menu.
  6. As a final step I paste the copied folder "Thunderbird" in the folder "D:\wpp_full_4.0-beta2\winPenPack\Bin\" (that's my special path on my PC).

Is my interpretation of your instructions correctly as far as? If yes, then I must remark, that I get again the same 2 error messages, which I have mentioned in my original post.

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 13:16 ]
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 13:25

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
I just discovered the new download link for X-Thunderbird 13.0.1 [rev8]. So, my problem is solved.

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 13:27 ]
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 14:18


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3360
dropper ha scritto ...

I just discovered the new download link for X-Thunderbird 13.0.1 [rev8]. So, my problem is solved.

happy to see this!
anyway, Zandet2 was working on a temporary solution of mozilla/sourceforge issues while I was writing my previous post!

FYI, regarding your procedure:
dropper ha scritto ...

  1. Firstly I must extract the file "".
  2. Afterwards I put the downloaded file "Thunderbird Setup 13.0.1.exe" in the folder "X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Lib\Mozilla\Thunderbird\setup\".
  3. Now I run the file "X-Thunderbird.exe" and wait of the end of the creation procedure.

that's right!

dropper ha scritto ...

  • Finally I copy the folder "Thunderbird", which is contained in the folder "X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Bin\.
  • Now I install the file "" in the winPenPackNet Menu.

Nope! after previous steps, you need only to MANUALLY copy the new
"X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Bin\Thunderbird" folder
"D:\wpp_full_4.0-beta2\winPenPack\Bin\" replacing the existing one (that's Your special path on Your PC).
(please temporary rename the existing one as a temporary safety backup!)

I use this kind of manual upgrade anytime I want to have last update (for testing) as soon as I can

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 14:21 ]
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lun 18 giu 2012 - 15:00

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
Firstly thank you for your helpful instructions regarding the manual kind to upgrade an app.

The reason for the failure in my case was the fact that I removed X-Thunderbird from the winPenPackNet menu after the error messages. Then I tried to install the corrupt file ""in the winPenPackNet menu. Instead I should have used my previously well working version of Thunderbird. And in this case your above described steps works surely fine:

Taf wrote ...

Nope! after previous steps, you need only to MANUALLY copy the new
"X-Thunderbird_12.0.1_rev8\Bin\Thunderbird" folder
"D:\wpp_full_4.0-beta2\winPenPack\Bin\" replacing the existing one (that's Your special path on Your PC).
(please temporary rename the existing one as a temporary safety backup!)

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lun 18 giu 2012 - 15:27


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3360
YW dropper! glad to know You solved both situations! (manual and automatic update)
Many thanks for your kind and quick feedback.
Always happy to be helpful!

[ Modificato lun 18 giu 2012 - 15:27 ]
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