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Activation of protocols works not for X-Firefox

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dom 07 apr 2013 - 18:05

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165

I have installed X-Firefox in the winPenPack Net menu (winPenPack Launcher Version: In the configuration menu I have highlighted X-Firefox. Then I clicked on the key F5. In the now appearing dialog window "Properties" I have chosen the tab "Protocols". In the tab "Protocols" I activated the check mark next to "Http/Https".

After starting of my standard email client (Microsoft Outlook 2007) I received an error message when I have clicked on a link within an email. Here is the content of this error message:

"Firefox" e gia in esecuzione

How can I open a link successfully?
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dom 07 apr 2013 - 21:29

Utente registrato #33962
Registrato il: sab 18 lug 2009 - 08:45
Provenienza: Roma
Messaggi: 1147
If you try to use another browser ( i.e. X-Iron ) do you have the same result?
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dom 07 apr 2013 - 22:09

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
As recommended I've installed the browser X-Iron. With this browser I can easily open multiple links.

With X-Firefox I can only open a link when X-Firefox is not running (see the above error message). Accordingly it's also impossible to open more than one link at the same time. This behavior seems to be a bug in X-Firefox.

[ Modificato dom 07 apr 2013 - 22:10 ]
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lun 08 apr 2013 - 09:16


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359
Hi dropper,
I solved this issue with a modification in "x-firefox.ini"

in "OPTIONS" section try changing:


Anyway, be careful with this modification in you have also a LEGACY INSTALLED version of firefox in the same PC.
The risk is: when you close X-Firefox, if existing a LEGACY profile folder (located in% AppData%), all these data could be irreversibly deleted!
Our suggestion is to activate this option only if you are sure that the computer on which you use X-Firefox is NOT hosting an existing installation of Firefox
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