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Bug in X-VideoLAN 2.0.6 [rev13]

Autore Messaggio
mer 01 mag 2013 - 11:52

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165

I tried to open a youtube video within the X-VideoLAN 2.0.6 [rev13] . For that purpose I opened the appropriate website with the youtube video. Afterwards I copied the URL in the clipboard. Now I started the X-VideoLAN 2.0.6 [rev13] . Then I clicked in the menu toolbar on Media -> Open Location from clipboard. Finally I clicked on the button "Play" in the new opened dialog window named "Open URL". Now was opened a dialog window named "Errors" with the the following information:

Your input can't be opened

How can I solve this issue?

[ Modificato mer 01 mag 2013 - 11:57 ]
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mer 01 mag 2013 - 12:29

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
In the meantime I solved the issue by myself. The reason was probably, that my installation of the X-VideoLAN 2.0.6 [rev13] was defect. Through a new installation in the winPenPack Net menu I was able to remove this issue.
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