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Msg re Java before startup of Apache Open Office

Autore Messaggio
mer 17 lug 2013 - 07:06
Utente registrato #41519
Registrato il: mer 17 lug 2013 - 00:01
Provenienza: Right Coast of USA
Messaggi: 2

Hello everyone,

New user to the winpenpack site and have questions please:

I have downloaded the portable program X-Apache Open Office ver. 3.4.1.

I am not using the winPenPack menu system, just the program by itself!

Each time I go to start the program I get the warning re: "Java not found in the package, do you want to download & install it"?  This warning is accompanied by a very annoying "Binnnggg" sound!

I do NOT want to load Java on my system or into the AOO program due to the warnings put out by DHS & others ( a few months ago), that you shud not use JAVA at this time due to its very unreliable nature, etc!

I have removed the installed version of Java that was on my PC and have not missed it in my web travels whatsoever!

My question for the forum though, is how in the heck to tell the AOO program to stop presenting the JAVA warning message entirely and also how to turn OFF the VERY annoying binnngg noise that accompanies the message each time I start the AOO program??

Which by the way - you have to respond to by clicking either "OK" to download & install Java, or "Cancel" or "X"'ing to close the window, which then proceeds to load the program.

Can't I just use the program by itself and have it store all settings in the folder where I placed it?

I realize there are certain instances when parts of the AOO program might require Java, but it is not needed if you do not use those processes.

I can not believe the authors did not code a way to turn off this message & the VERY annoying binnngg noise that accompanies it!

Thank you very much!
Cindy Pyie ;>)

[ Modificato mer 17 lug 2013 - 07:22 ]
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mer 17 lug 2013 - 09:21


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3360
Hi cutiepyie, and welcome here

It's quite simple to satisfy Your request:
If you don't want X-ApacheOpenOffice bothers you requiring to install Java at every execution, you must open "X-ApacheOpenOffice.ini" file with a text editor and, under [Options] section, set "Java=false".
NOTE: this operation must be done with X-ApacheOpenOffice NOT RUNNING!

Let us know if you reached the goal.
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dom 21 lug 2013 - 08:51
Utente registrato #41519
Registrato il: mer 17 lug 2013 - 00:01
Provenienza: Right Coast of USA
Messaggi: 2

Did as you instructed and Successo!

grazie infinite!! I tip my hat to you, if I was wearing one.

Vorrei acquistare una birra se mi sono stati vicini!

Where are you actually located - in what country?

It is 2:45am in the morning here and I am going to sleep! ;>)
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dom 21 lug 2013 - 16:18


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3360
cutiepyie ha scritto ...

Did as you instructed and Successo!
grazie infinite!! I tip my hat to you, if I was wearing one.
Vorrei acquistare una birra se mi sono stati vicini!

happy being helpful

cutiepyie ha scritto ...
Where are you actually located - in what country?
It is 2:45am in the morning here and I am going to sleep! ;>)

Our project is Italian and, of course, I'm from Italy! Quite long distance to drink a friendly beer.... but ... never say NEVER!

after your request, in short time we'll implement a new feature to automate this kind of event during X-AOO and X-LIBO first run "installation".

[ Modificato dom 21 lug 2013 - 16:18 ]
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