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Changing X-Launcher icons

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mer 30 dic 2015 - 20:13

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25

Hi, I have tried several apps to do this and none seem to work. Looking at the X-Launcher.exe in ResurceHacker shows the IconGroup 161:2057 icons as follows:
16 × 16 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 1
32 × 32 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 2
48 × 48 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 3
64 × 64 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 4
128 × 128 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 5

Yet when I use this app to change the icons to suit my chosen app, in this case KnobMan, which I'm simply doing for test purposes, icons are in reverse order so their Ordinal Name is backwards compared to the original WPP ones:
128 × 128 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 1
64 × 64 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 2
48 × 48 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 3
32 × 32 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 4
16 × 16 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 5

Does this reverse order matter when X-Launcher displays icons in Windows? I can't get it to work! If so, how do I reorder the icons? The apps I've tried don't work, nothing seems to work!!! Well, one app worked but it seems to only save the icon change within Windows itself and NOT the X-Launcher.exe.

Also, how do you change the name of the exe? I don't mean in Windows, but rather when the app is added to PortableAppsMenu, for example, it shows winPenPack X-Launcher instead of the WindowsFileName.

Please help...



[ Modificato gio 31 dic 2015 - 00:46 ]
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gio 31 dic 2015 - 09:46

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
Hi sl23,

you should use AutoIt to compile your full personalized x-launcher.exe
Here a tutorial (in italian ) -Link-

You also need to download the x-launcher source -Link- and play with x-compiler.au3
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lun 04 gen 2016 - 15:22

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Thanks for the reply Nuvolari, don't suppose there's english translation available?
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mar 05 gen 2016 - 08:48


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3363
Hi sl23,
I made a very quick translation for You, have a look if can help...

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mar 05 gen 2016 - 08:55

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
Taf ha scritto ...

Hi sl23,
I made a very quick translation for You, have a look if can help...

I was going to try to do the same, happy that you have been faster!
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mar 12 gen 2016 - 18:28

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Hmm... First I must thank you for your help, though I'm somewhat confused! You said in order to change the X-Launcher icons I must download the source code and recompile in AutoIT. But I have just noticed this comment on the page you linked to:
Moreover, if You want to modify file infos (icon, author, etc...) You must use Resource Hacker.

So, can I just use Resource Hacker instead? If so, I'm back to my original question, does it matter that the OrdinalNames are reverse numbered?

I imagine using AutoIT would avoid all issues with regards to icons? Then maybe I should just learn to do that instead? Though I am still stuck! Do I simply replace the X-icon in the graphics folder with my own and then recompile X-Launcher? Is it really that simple? Are there any specifications that need to be followed with regards to icon sizes included, etc?

I'm not a programmer, so this is all new to me, the page linked to isn't explaining anything I can understand, at least not with regards to my original question.

Thanks again for your help.
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mer 13 gen 2016 - 11:15

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
I have just tested Resource Hacker 4.2.5 changing the icon to an X-software (X-7zip) in Windows 7.
I have replaced the n.1 (of 12 icons) only, by selecting a random file.ico of my own.
It looks working: X-7zip.exe shows the new icon and the software works properly.

Are you using the last version of RH?

P.S.: yes, AutoIt-SciTe is easy and fast to use (once got friendly) and more powerful or at least it does 'clean' changes... I have just checked I'm using an old version ( which may fit properly with the tutorial (new ones may not)
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mer 13 gen 2016 - 15:51


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3363
Thanks to Nuvolari for the support!
I'm not able to help you more than this, because I'm not a programmer too.
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gio 21 gen 2016 - 00:38

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Taf ha scritto ...

Thanks to Nuvolari for the support!
I'm not able to help you more than this, because I'm not a programmer too.

No Problem, thanks for trying, I really appreciate it

Nuvolari ha scritto ...

I have just tested Resource Hacker 4.2.5 changing the icon to an X-software (X-7zip) in Windows 7.
I have replaced the n.1 (of 12 icons) only, by selecting a random file.ico of my own.
It looks working: X-7zip.exe shows the new icon and the software works properly.

Are you using the last version of RH?

P.S.: yes, AutoIt-SciTe is easy and fast to use (once got friendly) and more powerful or at least it does 'clean' changes... I have just checked I'm using an old version ( which may fit properly with the tutorial (new ones may not)

Using RH v 4.2.5.
I tried changing the icons but on renaming the exe it reverts to the default winpenpack icon??? Whilst looking for other apps and ways of changing icons, I noticed one app claimed to do this by changing the actual exe instead of just changing it in the registry. Basically telling windows to show a different icon, like file associations I suppose. Therefore giving the illusion the icon has changed yet it remains the same but windows shows a different one.

As I said above, I don't understand the tutorial? It doesn't explain anything, there aren't any instructions of any kind that I could make out anyway?! I opened the file in a text editor and can't make any sense of it at all. Can you help any further?

That said, I'm happy to use RH if that is actually changing the exe and NOT just the registry.

Thanks for your help

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gio 21 gen 2016 - 09:22

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
Please, tell me exactly which app-icon are you trying to change using Resource Hacker (is it an X-launcher or winPenPackNet.exe?), I will try to reproduce your case.

About AutoIt3, I write in few steps how to compile an X-launcher:

1) download AutoIt3 -Link- , unpack it, it should already contain SciTe subfolder (can't remember), if not get it from -Link- (
2) download -Link- and unpack into a folder named X-Launcher_source
3) run .\AutoIt3\SciTe\SciTE.exe
4) open x-compiler.au3 from X-Launcher_source
5) move your x-icon.ico into subfolder .\graphics, by default it's wPP icon
6) in SciTe click on Tools\Compile (Ctrl+F7)\Compile Script
7) your brand new X-launcher.exe is created in the main directory X-Launcher_source having icon = x.icon.ico

By playing with the lines of the code in x-compiler.au3 you may choose icon, product name, product version, etc.

Hope this helps

P.S.: if you run into issues using old Windows OS with the latest AutoIt 3.3.x version, try with the -Link-
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