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Changing X-Launcher icons

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mar 26 gen 2016 - 19:53

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
I deleted my source and extracted a fresh copy. Still no icon??? WTF is going on?!

Could it be an issue with the portable version of AutoIT?

Are you testing this on Win7, 8 or 10? With AutoIT3portable?

EDIT: Out of curiosity, I tested the x-compiler.exe to see if it worked. I kept the name but edited it's corresponding INI file that it creates to mirror an X-Launcher I've created and know works.

the x-compiler.exe launched X-WinRAR with no problem. On closing WinRAR though I got this error message window that I never get from my usual X-WinRAR Launcher:

Line 3997 (File "E:\path to X-WinRAR\x-compiler.exe"):
Error: Unknown function name.

Any ideas?

This is getting stupidly complex over such a simple thing!!!

EDIT: Could it have anything to with the architecture? I notice the default line states no for x64 use. What exactly this means I don't know. Does it mean create x64 version of X-Launcher, I would think so. But then you need to use a x64 compiler. There is a x64 version of AutoIT included in the package but is it auto selected when starting SciTe or compiling the exe?

Also noticed this line:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=N                    ;(Y/N) Compress output program. Default=Y

Default=Y but UseUpx=N. Keep in mind this is unedited in any way.

[ Modificato mar 26 gen 2016 - 20:38 ]
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mer 27 gen 2016 - 08:27

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
Perhaps I got it, I may have given you the wrong link to X-Launcher_source instead of X-Launcher and this may cause an issue with 'path'. Try with this -Link-

It has got subfolder .\_source\graphics (which I actually use with x-compiler.au3) instead of .\graphics.

I didn't notice before, sorry. Hopefully it works now, let me know!

About architecture it may be, this is the latest code I have used (AutoIt with both upx and x64 set to 'No':

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=ProductVersion|INI rev1
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
;   winPenPack X-Launcher


;** AUT2EXE settings

;** AUTOIT3 settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi=Y                    ;(Y/N) Use Ansi versions for AutoIt3a or AUT2EXEa. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=N            ;(Y/N)Run Script with console debugging. Default=N

;** Target program Resource info


;** Include X-Launcher's source code
#include 'x-launcher.au3'
#include 'files\x-install.au3'

[ Modificato mer 27 gen 2016 - 08:39 ]
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mer 27 gen 2016 - 14:55

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
This is really starting to be not worth the hassle!!! Still doing the same, compiling without icon.

Also, that code you've supplied above, is that the full code from the x-compiler.au3 file? As mine is different:

EDIT: I just copied your code into a new x-compiler.au3 file and the same thing is happening, no icon!

Some code is missing from your post, is that meant to be that way? Or are you posting just necessary part of code to check?

[ Modificato mer 27 gen 2016 - 15:04 ]
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mer 27 gen 2016 - 15:37

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
It's the whole code... Unless path is still wrong, I cannot understand, I've successfully compiled one right now, with wPP icon

x-compiler.au3 -> _source folder
x-icon.ico -> _source\graphics (btw, you should see it)
x-YourCompiledApp.exe -> appears in _source folder

Last difference may be my old SciTe version (1.79) but it should not matter...

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gio 28 gen 2016 - 01:30

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Nuvolari ha scritto ...

It's the whole code... Unless path is still wrong, I cannot understand, I've successfully compiled one right now, with wPP icon

x-compiler.au3 -> _source folder - CORRECT
x-icon.ico -> _source\graphics (btw, you should see it) - CORRECT
x-YourCompiledApp.exe -> appears in _source folder - CORRECT - but, without icon. Also, no matter what I name it, it always has the name x-compiler.exe?

Last difference may be my old SciTe version (1.79) but it should not matter...

Could it be my installation? What if I sent it to you as well as my X-Launcher source so you can check it? would you mind?

Are there any plugins or something that could be missing from my portable installation?

[ Modificato gio 28 gen 2016 - 01:51 ]
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gio 28 gen 2016 - 08:17

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
sl23 ha scritto ...

Could it be my installation? What if I sent it to you as well as my X-Launcher source so you can check it? would you mind?

Are there any plugins or something that could be missing from my portable installation?
What about if I give mine to you? If 'ok' I will upload it somewhere and give you the link in pm.
In italian we say "tagliamo la testa al toro"
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ven 29 gen 2016 - 16:26

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Ok that would make sense. Please PM me the link.

Thanks Nuvolari for your help
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ven 29 gen 2016 - 17:09

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
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dom 31 gen 2016 - 17:22

Utente registrato #39172
Registrato il: ven 30 lug 2010 - 21:42
Provenienza: a Galaxy S7 far far away...
Messaggi: 25
Some success at last, but...

I've extracted the zip, then run SCiTe, after opening your supplied x-compiler.au3 v1.5.4 source, I then clicked Tools/Compile and I got a window never seen before called:
AutoIt3Wrapper GUI to Compile AutoIt3 Script (v2.0.1.24)

So, obviously something's missing from my setup.
A quick File Properties comparison against my install and yours reveals:
Size: 18.7MB/28.9MB
Files: 2136/2319
Folders: 28/59

I had a quick look at what's in the folders and it seems to be SCiTe is short is missing a great deal of files. What is it that needs to downloaded to complete the install? Did you simply download it as is or have you d/l extras for using SCiTe?

So... from here I decided to compile. The X-Launcher.exe was created successfully with icon and correct name.
Next I tried swapping the default icon for my own. But, this is odd, it created a new X-Launcher.exe, I deleted the previous one btw, but the icon still showed as wPP icon???
I moved the newly created X-Launcher.exe w/modified icon to a new location and it showed the correct icon???

I then tried moving the X-Launcher back to it's original location and it showed the wPP icon again??? I assume windows is somehow making a cache of this file in this location and using the icon previously made over the built in one? Very strange! Why though would windows do this to an exe containing icons?

EDIT:Ah! Ok, I just noticed I hadn't d/l the actual SCiTe package. I assumed the was the complete installation including SCiTe, but I checked the website and after d/l the SCiTe package, I can see it contains the missing files!!!

RIGHT!! Now... I attempt a compile using your supplied source with a fresh AutoIt3/SCiTe install, and... I keep getting errors::


Log (May contain previous attempts running from different locations)::

Here's how I set up:
1. d/l & extract these:
AutoIt3Portable– Self Extracting Archive
AutoIt Script Editor
2. Copy the SCiTe editor package to the SCiTe folder of AutoIt3, without overwriting existing files.
3. Recopied SCiTe editor package to the SCiTe folder of AutoIt3, but this time, overwriting the existing files.

Before overwriting and after caused the same errors.

Also, why is the source you supplied different from the source available on the website? Specifically the x-compiler.au3, not sure of other files. Is it simply a newer version of X-Launcher?

[ Modificato dom 31 gen 2016 - 18:36 ]
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lun 01 feb 2016 - 08:58

Utente registrato #4173
Registrato il: lun 16 apr 2007 - 12:27
Messaggi: 294
What does it happen if you use 'only' my zip? Does it work?
The differences with websites must be because mine is an old version, both of AutoIt3 and SciTe, but if it works...
sl23 ha scritto ...

So... from here I decided to compile. The X-Launcher.exe was created successfully with icon and correct name.
Next I tried swapping the default icon for my own. But, this is odd, it created a new X-Launcher.exe, I deleted the previous one btw, but the icon still showed as wPP icon???
I moved the newly created X-Launcher.exe w/modified icon to a new location and it showed the correct icon???
This may be the weird result of using Resource Hacker in the past, guessing you are testing with the same exe as RH, am I right? Unfortunately I don't know how to "clean" the icon, the cache or whatever.

If you use new (name.)exe it should work properly...

P.S.: the X-launcher in my zip is the latest 1.5.4, it should be exactly the same linked in wPP website (more or less...)

[ Modificato lun 01 feb 2016 - 09:01 ]
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