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X-Software and winPenPack no more compressed with UPX
Virus in winPenPack?

Due to many signalling, by our users, about "false positive" regarding X-Softwares and, generally, winPenPack, and also because the progressive growth of allowable size (and decreasing price) of pendrives, we decided to distribute all programs in uncompressed format. This will avoid most false positive signalling (all our programs are virus-free tested) and will improve safety feeling during usage of these programs.
Who wants, however, can continue to compress its own copies of programs through UPX. Any signalling regarding already UPX-ed programs will have to be posted on the forum and not signaled by email.

Thank you for your support!

Updates (01.10.2008)
Fixed problem for X-ClamWin -Link-
REGCLEAR.exe fix -Link- fix -Link-
libthinice.dll fix -Link-
Easy Screen Capture.exe fix -Link-
X-Mule fix -Link-

 Danix, Monday 25 August 2008 - 13:33:07 Add a comment - comments: 3 printer friendly
  idroweb  on: 05.09.08 - 18:58 - Comments: 4

Salve, questi programmi non compressi saranno inseriti dalla versione superiore alla 3.4 o sono già stati messi in questa?

  Danix  on: 05.09.08 - 19:06 - Comments: 243

Saranno inseriti nelle collezioni a partire dalla versione 3.5 di winPenPack. Però, tutti i programmi caricati sul sito dal 5 Settembre 2008 in poi, sono già disponibili per il download singolo in formato decompresso e possono essere eventualmente sostituiti nell'attuale winPenPack v3.4 tramite la funzione "Installa X-Software.." presente nel menù.

  idroweb  on: 05.09.08 - 19:14 - Comments: 4

Grazie per la celere risposta.

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