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Conosci un software OPEN SOURCE che noi non conosciamo?

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Sat 02 Mar 2013 - 19:25


Registered Member #1
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Rcs wrote ...

Nome del software: Aria Maestosa
Direct Link al download: -Link-
Dimensione File: 12,6 Mb
Nome autore: M Gagnon
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Descrizione: Aria Maestosa is an open-source (GPL) midi tracker/editor. It lets you compose, edit and play midi files with a few clicks in a user-friendly interface offering keyboard, guitar, drum and controller views.
Lingua: French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Russian
Sistema Operativo: Windows XP+
Versione: 1.4.6
Licenza: GNU GPL 2

Screenshots: -Link-

Post copiato qui -Link-
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Sun 03 Mar 2013 - 00:41


Registered Member #1
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suzukirf600 wrote ...

Avrei davvero interesse a una versione portabilizzata del software

E'una applicazione di analisi video per lo sport, molto utile anche in altri settori.


Messaggio copiato qui -Link-
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Mon 04 Mar 2013 - 17:59


Registered Member #1
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ISCCellAtt wrote ...

Nome del software: qBittorrent v2.8.2
Direct Link al download: -Link-
Dimensione File: 9.2 Mb
Nome autore: Christophe Dumez (aka "Chris" or "Hydr0g3n") -Link- -Link-
Sito Web Autore: -Link- -Link-
Descrizione: The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µtorrent. Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD).
qBittorrent is based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.
qBittorrent is developed by volunteers on their spare time.
qBittorrent has more and more features such as an integrated search engine, UPnP, encryption, PeX, a torrent creation tool. qBittorrent features integrated search engine (allows searching for torrent from the main torrent Web sites simultaneously in a transparent fashion), its support for l'UPnP/NAT-PMP, Bittorrent protocol encryption (Azureus-compatible), Peer Exchange (PeX) compatible with µTorrent, IP filtering (eMule-like "ipfilter.dat" or PeerGuardian filters), Torrents (and the files they contain) prioritizing, remote control through a secure Web User Interface.
Here are some key features of "qBittorrent":
· Polished µTorrent-like User Interface
· Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
· Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
· Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
· All Bittorrent extensions
· DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet/BitComet URIs
· Remote control through a Web user interface
· Nearly identical to the regular UI, all in Ajax
· Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents
· Torrents queueing and prioritizing
· Torrent content selection and prioritizing
· UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
· Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
· Torrent creation tool
· Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
· Bandwidth scheduler
· IP Filtering (eMule and PeerBlock compatible)
· IPv6 compliant
C++, Python,
"(descrizione riportata dal sito dell'autore)"
Portable tips how-to: esiste una versione portatile -Link- - Richiede PYTHON 2. Sembra che la versione 2.8.2 soffra di instabilità relativa al download di molti torrent. La versione stabile è la 2.7.3 -Link- - "(fonte: Computer Magazine PRO N. 180 agosto 2011)"
Versione: qBittorrent: v2.8.2 (installer - recommended) - Based on libtorrent v0.15.6
SHA-1 Checksum: d6101d908864fd32efe84a8577907779fbd8aa6c qbittorrent_2.8.2_setup.exe
Licenza: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Screenshot: -Link-

ISCCellAtt wrote ...

Qualcuno sta testando l'applicativo? (qBittorrent).
Nel frattempo è stata rilasciata la versione 2.8.5 -Link-

I pareri degli utenti sono molto positivi, qualche bug di troppo ma il sw sa farsi perdonare regalando agli utilizzatori una strabiliante velocità di download.

Post copiati qui -Link-
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Sun 31 Mar 2013 - 17:23

Registered Member #41302
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AppGeeker wmv mov converter - convertire i file video in qualsiasi altro formato video popolare, e ha built-in lettore video.
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Sun 31 Mar 2013 - 21:32
Registered Member #9
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puttsy wrote ...

AppGeeker wmv mov converter - convertire i file video in qualsiasi altro formato video popolare, e ha built-in lettore video.

Peccato che TUTTI i programmi in quel sito siano a pagamento.
Qui bisogna segnalare solo i programmi di tipo opensource, ovvero dei quali è disponibile il codice sorgente.

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Mon 01 Apr 2013 - 18:32


Registered Member #675
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Nome del software: eViacam
Direct Link al download: -Link-
Dimensione File: 7.95 Mb
Nome autore: Cesar Mauri Loba (CREA Software)
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Descrizione: Enable Viacam (eViacam) è un programma che sostituisce la funzionalità del mouse permettendo di muovere il puntatore con il movimento della testa. Funziona su un PC equipaggiato con una webcam, non necessita di ulteriori accessori. / Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PC equipped with a webcam. No additional hardware is required.
Lingua: Multilingua (compreso l'italiano)/Multilingual
Sistema Operativo: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Versione: 1.6.1
Licenza: GNU General Public License version 3

Screenshots: -Link-
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Sat 11 May 2013 - 09:46

Registered Member #11533
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Posto qui perchè trattasi di programma particolare da masterizzare su CD e poi eventualmente dopo reboot installare su chiavetta USB (dal sito dell'Autore: Burn a CD, boot from it, and then use the "Install to USB Drive" tool from the start menu. This is the easiest and most straightforward way to put Redo on a USB stick.)

Nome del software: redobackup
Direct Link al download: -Link- (file ISO)
Dimensione File: 261,5 MB
Nome autore:
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Descrizione: dal sito dell'Autore
Redo Backup and Recovery is so simple that anyone can use it. It is the easiest, most complete disaster recovery solution available. It allows bare-metal restore. Bare metal restore is not only the best solution for hardware failure, it is also the ultimate antivirus: Even if your hard drive melts or gets completely erased by a virus, you can have a completely-functional system back up and running in as little as 10 minutes.
E' un programma che consente di fare un intero backup del disco rigido o delle partizioni. Non si installa, ma va masterizzato su CD.
Portable tips how-to: not tested
Versione: 1.0.4
Lingua: multilingual, italiano compreso
Licenza: open source GPL

Breve descrizione e guida: -Link-

[ Edited Sun 12 May 2013 - 09:10 ]
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Sun 22 Jun 2014 - 17:15
Registered Member #4134
Joined: Sat 14 Apr 2007 - 11:42
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ecco un'ennesima incarnazione del browser Chromium:

Nome del software: Slimjet
Direct download link: -Link-
Dimensione file: 33.7 MB
Nome autore: FlashPeak
Sito web autore: -Link-
MajorGeeks: -Link-
Softpedia: -Link-

Descrizione: da
If you enjoy the speed and reliability of Google Chrome but don't like its lack of customizability and options, if you would like to have a browser which can do a lot more things in addition to opening web sites passively upon your clicks, if you would like to become more productive when you are doing online research, Slimjet is the perfect choice for you. Slimjet is based on the Chromium open-source project. On top of that, Slimjet integrates a lot of smart and convenient features so that you can get more done in much less time without taking the pain to hunt for external plugins. Slimjet also adds many options and settings so that you customize the browser appearance and behavior to best suit your own personal preference.

Slimjet is powered by the same Blink engine used by Google Chrome and fully compatible with all the extensions and add-ons designed for Chrome. Pretty much all the features available in Chromium are kept in Slimjet. The table below only shows the list of additional features added by Slimjet.

List of Additional Features

QuickFill Intelligent Form Filler
Convenient Facebook Integration
Photo Enhancement & Photo Framing
Weather Condition & Weather Forecast
Flexible Web Page Translation
Fully-customizable Toolbar
Download Youtube Videos to MP4 & MP3
Instant Photo Upload
URL Alias Support in Omnibox
Flexible Options and Settings

History: -Link-

Licenza: Open Source

Giudizi su Softpedia:,.html

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Sun 27 Jul 2014 - 10:06

Registered Member #11533
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Segnalo MemTest86+, sviluppo di MemTest86, rimosso a suo tempo dal database ( -Link- ); ora esiste anche in versione auotinstallante su USB Key.

Nome del software: Memtest86+
Direct Link al download: -Link- (Auto-installer for USB Key)
Dimensione File: 120 kb
Nome autore: Samuel Demuelemeester
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
(From author site) Based on the well-known original memtest86 written by Chris Brady, memtest86+ is a port by some members of the x86-secret team, now working at -Link- . Our goal is to provide an up-to-date and completly reliable version of this software tool aimed at memory failures detection.
Software per effettuare una serie di test approfonditi sulla memoria RAM segnalandone eventuali malfunzionamenti.
Portable tips how-to: portable according to the author (not tested)
Versione: Memtest86+ V5.01
Licenza: Gnu Public License (GPL)

Official forum: -Link-

Thank you very much.

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Wed 06 Jul 2016 - 02:00

Registered Member #41968
Joined: Mon 30 May 2016 - 16:35
Posts: 3
Ho aperto un post -Link- di richiesta di portabilizazione ma volevo segnalarlo pure di qua
Ovviamente se la cosa non è contraria al regolamento cancellate pure questo post ^^

Demigod wrote ...

Nome del software: Quoll Writer
Direct Link al download: -Link-
Dimensione File: 36.5 MB
Nome autore: Gary Bentley
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Descrizione: Editor di testi con strumenti avanzati dedicati alla scrittura di romanzi e sceneggiature
Portable tips how-to: richiede Java
Versione: n/d
Licenza: Apache 2.0 license


[ Edited Wed 06 Jul 2016 - 02:03 ]
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