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[New] How to merge two or more winPenPack

Autore Messaggio
ven 26 feb 2010 - 02:52


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
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A new tutorial "How to merge two or more winPenPack" is now on line! Here you can find a detailed tutorial explaining how you can merge a couple (or more) wPP suites, to have your own suite, the "winPenPack Mega Suite". This tutorial is also important because explains a simplified method to solve the most critical step necessary doing this merging. The comparison and the real merging of winpenpack.xml files, where are written all needed infos getting the final menu. Last, but not less important, you can also find ten (10!) "ready to use" winpenpack.xml files, covering a wide range of merging possibilities between suites.

Enjoy and have a nice reading!
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