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Autore Messaggio
dom 16 mag 2010 - 18:06

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14

Please find hereafter the X-launcher for dosBox.

First TEST Version (1.856.727 Byte/1,8 Mo)

Some Portalisation notes
- dosBox is very simple to portabilize thanks to its command line that allow to choose its config file location
- I usually hav ein my DOSBos config file a set of instructions to automatically mount the directory containing my dos binaries (usually to G: like "games"). I have therefore add to the X-DOSBox.ini file a set of instruction to adapt this part of DOSbox config files to adapt to the real USB drive letter. For that purpose I have supposed that the dos binaries are in $Bin$\DOSBin directory. Up to you to adjust this part of the ini.

Have fun

[ Modificato lun 21 feb 2011 - 21:54 ]
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