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Using finance::quote with X-GnuCash

Autore Messaggio
sab 19 feb 2011 - 09:09
Utente registrato #39659
Registrato il: sab 19 feb 2011 - 08:59
Messaggi: 2

Is there a way to use finance::quote with X-GnuCash ?
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sab 19 feb 2011 - 11:14

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
Hi cashuser, welcome to our forum!
cashuser ha scritto ...

Is there a way to use finance::quote with X-GnuCash ?

I am not a GnuCash expert, so please forgive me for any inaccuracy in what follows...
As you can see in the GnuCash Manual, Finance::Quote requires Perl (or ActivePerl) already installed on the host PC, and requires to be installed itself. This excludes, at this moment, to use Finance::Quote with X-GnuCash in a portable environment. There are some portable Perl versions, but I have not tested them, so I cannot said if they could help...
Surely the GnuCash Team is the best source for give you all needed informations for performing the job. Good luck!
Best Regards

[ Modificato sab 19 feb 2011 - 11:21 ]
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lun 21 feb 2011 - 17:04
Utente registrato #39659
Registrato il: sab 19 feb 2011 - 08:59
Messaggi: 2
It is no problem to get a portable version of Perl installed. The real
problem is how to tell X-GnuCash the path where Perl could be found.
There should be a flexible way to define this path, e.g. by using an ini-file.
Is there a way to define the (relative) path to Perl ?
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lun 21 feb 2011 - 21:04

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
Hi cashuser,
as a quick hint, you can put the Perl path in the DOS environment and then run the predefined script


For running Finance::Quote from within X-Gnucash, please refer to the Finance::Quote and GnuCash manuals.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards
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