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X-Lazarus_0.9.30.4_rev5 Error. Thanks.

Autore Messaggio
ven 24 ago 2012 - 12:36
Utente registrato #39104
Registrato il: ven 09 lug 2010 - 12:38
Messaggi: 37

I test on windows xp and win 7(64bit) both has same problems. when i try created the new application and press F9, try to complier show me and error

C:\X-Lazarus\Bin\Lazarus\lcl\masks.pas(29,22) Fatal: Can't find unit contnrs used by Masks

I try to use default setting or try to fix, but can't be slove. hope help and fix,
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ven 31 ago 2012 - 18:11
Utente registrato #4134
Registrato il: sab 14 apr 2007 - 11:42
Messaggi: 921
Hi dlusera,
I suggest You to try another build of Lararus Portable:
- author: Zack Hawkins
- Sougeforge page of author: -Link-
- Sourceforge project page: -Link-
- Lararus Portable ver -Link-
- Lararus Portable Development Test nr. 2 (Update at April 25, 2012) direct download: -Link-
- Softpedia: -Link-
If this build work properly, You can suggest to winPenPack Team some corrections to Lazarus Launcher.

[ Modificato lun 03 set 2012 - 16:36 ]
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lun 03 set 2012 - 14:54


Utente registrato #3184
Registrato il: mar 06 mar 2007 - 11:52
Provenienza: Busto Arsizio
Messaggi: 3301
Hi dlusera,
sorry for the late reply, but it was really hard for me (I do not use Lazarus) to find a solution. The problem is caused by a missing configuration file in the fpc directory, not present even in the original package.

If you can help us, please download the attached zip, and in a clear version of X-Lazarus substitute the original X-Lazarus.exe and X-Lazarus.ini with the files in the zip below:

If the test is ok, we can distribute the complete version.

Thank you.
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mer 19 set 2012 - 13:58
Utente registrato #39104
Registrato il: ven 09 lug 2010 - 12:38
Messaggi: 37
Sorry, longer reply, this testing version is working now.

just a loading speed is litter slow, compare with old version . may be set too many path.

any how, thanks again.
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mer 19 set 2012 - 14:31


Utente registrato #3184
Registrato il: mar 06 mar 2007 - 11:52
Provenienza: Busto Arsizio
Messaggi: 3301
Hi dlusera,
glad to see your reply
we will use the new launcher with the next release of X-Lazarus.

Thanks for your test!
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