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strange behaviour of the upgrade manager

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Autore Messaggio
mar 12 feb 2013 - 09:36

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165

Several times I have found that the upgrage manager makes false statements. For example,it was shown me with my upgrade to LibreOffice 4.0.0, that a newer version (here: 3.6.5 and 3.5.7) is present. That's obviously false.
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mar 12 feb 2013 - 16:23


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359
Hi dropper,
our upgrade manager has this approach:
It checks the release number of "OFFICIALLY DOWNLOADABLE" programs and not the BETA/TEST versions.
So, if you have already installed X-libreoffice 4.0.0 (not yet offically released), the manager checks the number of your release with the official one.
In this check, It looks different, so you have the alert of a new release is available! in reality you have a DIFFERENT release!

This behaviour sometimes happens also when we have 2 versions of same program in download (i.e. X-keepass 1.* and X-Keepass 2.*)

Hope this feedback can hepls to understand the "misundersanding"
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mar 12 feb 2013 - 18:58

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
To my knowledge the version LibreOffice v4.0.0 for is an official release, which has been released since 07/02/2013 for downloading. Accordingly, your argumentation does not be the cause of the incorrect display of the upgrade manager.
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mar 12 feb 2013 - 19:34


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359
dropper ha scritto ...

To my knowledge the version LibreOffice v4.0.0 for is an official release, which has been released since 07/02/2013 for downloading.

I'm talking about X-Libreoffice, not Libreoffice
Our Updates are monitored only for Portable versions, tested and "officially linked" in our download area.
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gio 14 feb 2013 - 12:02

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
Personally I would say, that X-LibreOffice 4.0.0 [rev14] is offered as an official release in the download area, because I can't find a converse hint. Accordingly, your argumentation is not quite understandable for me.

[ Modificato gio 14 feb 2013 - 12:04 ]
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gio 14 feb 2013 - 15:37
Utente registrato #6659
Registrato il: mar 23 ott 2007 - 18:34
Messaggi: 42

Open wpp menu window, select X-LibreOffice, press F5 to open properties, select tab Info, paste in wPP Download Page box.

This solved for me.

[ Modificato gio 14 feb 2013 - 15:38 ]
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gio 14 feb 2013 - 16:13

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
I have tried your proposed solution, but it doesn't work. Incidentally, this manual solution (in cases where it work) would also not eliminate the fundamental problem of incorrect display in the Upgrade Manager, because it is necessary to alter the entries in the wpp menu every time again.
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gio 14 feb 2013 - 16:29
Utente registrato #6659
Registrato il: mar 23 ott 2007 - 18:34
Messaggi: 42

Indeed, it does work for me ... no need to alter entries every time again, just once. Is it possible you're running an old wpp launcher version? Mine is on a win7 pc.


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gio 14 feb 2013 - 16:43


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359
dropper ha scritto ...

Personally I would say, that X-LibreOffice 4.0.0 [rev14] is offered as an official release in the download area, because I can't find a converse hint.

dropper, the Official download link is the following:
and was officially added on February 12th
before this date, it was not yet official. (this explain my previous sentences... apologies)

dropper ha scritto ...

Accordingly, your argumentation is not quite understandable for me.

Actually, because of the chamge of MAIN release (3.5.X -> 4.0.X), the only way to have your wPP update working properly is:
Open wpp menu window, select X-LibreOffice, press F5 to open properties, select tab Info, paste in wPP Download Page box.

This forks fine for me, since long time ago.
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gio 14 feb 2013 - 16:45

Utente registrato #39636
Registrato il: mar 15 feb 2011 - 23:47
Messaggi: 165
I also use the winPenPack Launcher version on a computer with an installed OS Windows XP SP3. But in my case it doesn't work as I have mentioned above.

Regarding my remark in connection with the necessity of an alteration every time again I meant, that you must make these manually entries for every new app with such an issue in the upgrade manager. And also in the case, if the link will be changed, you must again copy this new link.

[ Modificato gio 14 feb 2013 - 16:46 ]
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