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PDFTK Builder 3.9.4

Developer: Angus Johnson
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Friday 01 May 2015 - 21:53:53
Size: 2.94 MB
Downloads: 8459
Not rated 

[It] PDFTK Builder è una GUI per il programma command line pdftk.exe. Consente di unire, dividere, impostare una password ed in generale manipolare i files PDF.

[En] PDFTK Builder is a GUI for the command line program pdftk.exe. It allows you to merge, split, set a password and generally manipulate PDF files.

[It] estrarre il setup con X-Universal Extractor ed eliminare tutto tranne la cartella {app}, che può essere rinominata a piacere, avviare il programma eseguendo PDFTKBuilder.exe

[En] extract setup file with X-Universal Extractor and delete all but {app} folder, which can me renamed as you like, start the program running PDFTKBuilder.exe

Versione/Version: 3.9.4 (includes PDFTK ver 1.41)
Licenza/License: GNU General Public License

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