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Web server/AMP

X-wpp_Pampa 0.6 [rev8 with e107 1.0.2]

Developer: Andrea Giammarchi, Team
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Sunday 11 November 2012 - 16:31:03
Size: 28.22 MB
Downloads: 7952
 9.2 - 4 votes 

[It] Ambiente AMP (Apache, MySQL e PHP) che permette di installare, gestire e personalizzare
e107 website system v1.0.2 su pendrive USB o su qualsiasi supporto removibile.

Dati per l'installazione di e107:
Server MySQL: localhost
Username MySQL: root
Password MySQL: lasciare vuoto
Database MySQL: un nome a scelta (per una nuova installazione spuntare la casellina "Crea database")
MySQL Charset: spuntare la casellina per rendere il database con codifica UTF-8
Prefisso tabelle: lasciare e107_

[En] AMP environment (Apache, MySQL and PHP) that allows you to install, manage and customise the e107 website system v1.0.2 either on a USB Pen or any other movable support.
Further it lets you to upload any files to your remote host server.

e107 installation:
Server MySQL: localhost
Username MySQL: root
Password MySQL: leave empty
Database MySQL: whatever (for a new installation check "Create Database")
MySQL Charset: check "Force UTF-8 Database" for the database UTF-8 compatible
Tables prefix: leave e107_

Versione/Version: PAMPA [0.6] - X-Launcher [1.5.1] - INI [rev8]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - Pampa source - Apache, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and PHP source
e107 version: v1.0.2
phpMyAdmin version: (
e107 italian translation: e107Italia Team

GUI interface: Italian, English, Spanish, Basque.
For English, Spanish and Basque, set the variable %lang% in X-wpp_pampa.ini:

;(locale = it, en, es, eu)

Modifiche/Changes :
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 knutars  on: 20.03.11 - 19:42 - Comments: 2

e107 version: 0.7.22?

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