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WinSplit Revolution 11.04

Developer: Raphael Lencrerot
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Wednesday 13 April 2011 - 15:03:24
Size: 1.49 MB
Downloads: 4841
Not rated 

[It] Software dall'interfaccia intuitiva per organizzare la disposizione delle finestre sul desktop

[En] WinSplit Revolution is a small utility which allows you to easily organize your open windows by tiling, resizing and positioning them to make the best use of your desktop real estate.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use: installare il programma in modalità "portable"; eseguire dunque dalla cartella di installazione "WinSplit.exe"

[It] Durante l'installazione in modalità "portable" il software aggiunge la seguente chiave (da rimuovere):
HKLM\SOFTWARE\WinSplit Revolution

Come alternativa "puita" si può decomprimere l'installer con X-UniExtract ed eliminare le cartelle $COMMONFILES, $EXEDIR, $PLUGINSDIR, $R1 compreso il loro contenuto.

[En] If you ues the standard installation in "portable mode", the procedure adds to registry the following key (it needs to be manually removed):
HKLM\SOFTWARE\WinSplit Revolution

As "clean" alternative, you can extract the installer with X-UniExtract and delete manually following folders and their content: $COMMONFILES, $EXEDIR, $PLUGINSDIR, $R1

Versione/Version: 11.04
Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Piattaforma/Platform: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista 32 & 64 bits / Seven 32 & 64 bits
Licenza/License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

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