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Burning CD/DVD


Developer: LIGHTNING UK!
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Wednesday 19 June 2013 - 15:06:13
Size: 3.3 MB
Downloads: 34453
 9.0 - 1 vote 

[It] Completo e leggero software di masterizzazione CD, DVD, HD DVD e Blu-ray.

[En] ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Estrarre il setup con X-Universal Extractor ed eliminare tutto tranne la cartella {$INSTDIR}, che può essere rinominata a piacere. Per tradurre il programma in italiano creare la cartella Languages all'interno della directory del programma e inserirvi il file italian.lng, scaricabile da questa pagina. Prima di avviare ImgBurn.exe creare il file ImgBurn.ini all'interno della directory principale col seguente contenuto:

FILELOCATIONS_GraphDataFiles=.\Graph Data Files\
FILELOCATIONS_ImageFiles=.\Image Files\
FILELOCATIONS_LogFiles=.\Log Files\
FILELOCATIONS_ProjectFiles=.\Project Files\
FILELOCATIONS_QueueFiles=.\Queue Files\

[En] Extract setup file with X-Universal Extractor and delete all but {$INSTDIR} folder, which can me renamed as you like. To translate program interface in your own language (if present): Create the Languages folder into program's folder and copy inside the yourownlanguage.lng, if present here. Before first run, please create (with a text editor) a ImgBurn.ini file with the following infos:

FILELOCATIONS_GraphDataFiles=.\Graph Data Files\
FILELOCATIONS_ImageFiles=.\Image Files\
FILELOCATIONS_LogFiles=.\Log Files\
FILELOCATIONS_ProjectFiles=.\Project Files\
FILELOCATIONS_QueueFiles=.\Queue Files\

and place it into program's folder.

Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Language files: -Link-
Licenza/License: Freeware

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 dito  on: 20.01.11 - 22:38 - Comments: 14

Uno dei migliori (forse IL migliore) software di masterizzazione free!
Grazie winPenPack Team.

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