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Multimedia players

XMPlay 3.8.5

Developer: un4seen developments
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Thursday 29 July 2021 - 17:53:47
Size: 369 kB
Downloads: 7465
 8.0 - 3 votes 

[It] Audio player, supporta i seguenti formati: OGG / MP3 / MP2 / MP1 / WMA / WAV / CDA / MO3 / IT / XM / S3M / MTM / MOD / UMX

[En] XMPlay is an audio player, supporting the OGG / MP3 / MP2 / MP1 / WMA / WAV / CDA / MO3 / IT / XM / S3M / MTM / MOD / UMX audio formats, and PLS / M3U / ASX / WAX playlists. A load more formats are also supported via plugins. When XMPlay was first released in 1998, only the XM format was supported, hence the name "XMPlay".

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Decomprimere l' ed avviare l'applicazione eseguendo xmplay.exe. Per utilizzare il programma con winPenPack, seguire queste indicazioni.
[En] Extract the ZIP package to any folder of your choice, launch the program by double-clicking xmplay.exe. To use the program inside winPenPack, please follow these informations.

Versione/Version: 3.8.5
Licenza/License: Freeware for non-commercial use

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 eagleman  on: 08.02.07 - 22:41 - Comments: 16

Da quello che ricordo XMPlay scrive nel registro, anche se non si associano file, bisogna portare su chiavetta anche quella voce.

 Danix  on: 08.02.07 - 23:00 - Comments: 241

No, scrive nella propria cartella in xmplay.ini

 eagleman  on: 15.04.07 - 17:38 - Comments: 16

Evdentemente hanno modificato l'opzione di scrittura, meglio così

 Grahan  on: 11.05.07 - 21:21 - Comments: 1

Not speaking Italian I can't comment on the above. All I can say is that I've used XMPlay for years - and it is really good - tiny - and sounds excellent. Seems to run fine now Ive dumped it on a USB stick too (I'm new to this portable computing - really cool!)

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