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Hard Disk

Drive Manager 4.20

Developer: Alex Nolan
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Saturday 30 June 2012 - 23:04:03
Size: 557 kB
Downloads: 5984
Not rated 

[It] Tool per monitorare continuamente ed in maniera rapida tutto lo spazio disponibile nei dischi fisici e virtuali installati nel sistema. Si auto aggiorna ogni 30 secondi e offre reports dettagliati e precisi. Consente inoltre di rendere visibile o meno dalla Gestione Risorse un determinato disco.

[En] Drive Manager will continually monitors the space available for each of your drive letters. You can also open a drive in explorer by double clicking on it. It automatically refreshes every 30 seconds. This save you having to use the "My Computer" in windows and then change to the report view. You can force a refresh at any point by pressing F5.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Decomprimere l' ed avviare l'applicazione eseguendo DriveMan.exe.
[En] Extract the ZIP package to any folder of your choice, launch the program by double-clicking XDriveMan.exe.

Versione/Version: 4.20
Licenza/License: Freeware

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