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Audio editors

X-Audacity 3.0.0 [rev11]

Developer: Dominic Mazzoni/winPenPack Team
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Friday 19 March 2021 - 09:19:38
Size: 46.72 MB
Downloads: 30977
 7.5 - 12 votes 

[It] Audacity è un editor di file audio multipiattaforma, rilasciato sotto la GNU General Public License. L'interfaccia grafica, creata con la libreria wxWidgets, ne permette un utilizzo fondamentalmente intuitivo. Il programma di base permette registrazione, riproduzione, modifica e mixaggio di un file audio. Una serie di operazioni aggiuntive sono possibili grazie a plugin già inclusi, con i quali è possibile intervenire su diversi parametri tra cui il volume, la velocità, l'intonazione, la compressione e la normalizzazione. X-Audacity include già le librerie LAME Mp3 encoder (che permette al programma di esportare in formato Mp3) e FFmpeg. Da questa pagina è possibile scaricare la vecchia versione 1.2.6 stabile.

[En] Audacity is a cross-platform digital audio editor and recording application, released under the GNU General Public License. You can use Audacity to record live audio, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files, cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a recording, and more (see the complete list of features). X-Audacity already includes LAME Mp3 encoder (that sllows Audacity to export MP3 files) and FFmpeg libraries. From this page you can download the old 1.2.6 stable release.

Versione/Version: Software [3.0.0] - X-Launcher [1.5.4] - INI [rev11]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License ("Audacity" is a registered trademark of Dominic Mazzoni.)
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - Audacity source - LAME source - FFmpeg source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Modifiche/Changes :
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 alexxl  on: 10.05.08 - 05:29 - Comments: 3

There seems to be issues with this program. After opening and quitting the program several times, the audacity.cfg file shows multiple entries of the same items under GUI (see below). It seems to be added to the configuration file (in "portable settings folder") after quitting the program. This causes the program to complain about multiple entries of SnapTo during re-opening. Commenting out the FileCopy in [RunAfter] section in X-Audacity.ini seems to suppress the warning because the configuration file gets reloaded from the fresh copy from the User folder.


The other issue is that the program always ask to choose language during opening and seems not remember the setting and treating it as the first run.

 Danix  on: 10.05.08 - 11:53 - Comments: 241

Thank you for testing, but I have not noticed this bug.
Please, can you try to download a new copy of X-Audacity, extract it, launch X-Audacity.exe, choose your preferred language, close the program, move folder on another disk or partition and re-launch X-Audacity? It keeps settings..

 alexxl  on: 10.05.08 - 17:03 - Comments: 3

OK, this identifies the problem. If the audacity.cfg file is first created by launching X-Audacity installed within wPP, the following four lines are created under [GUI] section and will be duplicated every time the program is opened and closed. This will cause the warning I mentioned. However, if the audacity.cfg file is created not through wPP but directly by uncompressed X-Audacity, those four lines are outside of (above) [GUI] section, which do not get duplicated.
The simplest remedy seems to be install X-Audacity through wPP and launch it once. Open audacity.cfg (both in "portable settings" and "user" folders) in a text editor and move those four lines above [GUI] section.


 Danix  on: 10.05.08 - 17:36 - Comments: 241

Sorry, but even if I start Audacity from wpp launcher, I can't reproduce the bug. In my audacity.cfg I have in any case:


alexxl, can you open a new thread in "English support" section of forum, please?

 tDJ  on: 21.10.08 - 06:13 - Comments: 10

Yesterday is Audacity v1.3.6 RC1 released.

 tDJ  on: 24.10.08 - 22:54 - Comments: 10

Today is Audacity v1.3.6 Beta 6 released.

 zandet2  on: 31.10.08 - 17:08 - Comments: 37

Hi tDJ,
please report this kind of (important) news on the proper section -Link-

Thank you!

 tomcat  on: 08.11.09 - 16:14 - Comments: 19

Un suggerimento: come evidenziato nella homepage di, la versione 1.3.x è una versione di sviluppo, non completamente documentata, con "buchi" di traduzione ed anche possibili bug. Non dico di toglierla dal DB (la uso e comunque mi sembra abbastanza stabile), ma non si potrebbe affiancarle anche la "vecchia" 1.2.6 che è l'ultima versione stabile, completamente documentata e tradotta? Poi uno sceglie cosa scaricare, se l'assoluta stabilità o le nuove features.
Buona domenica a tutti.


 Danix  on: 11.04.10 - 16:32 - Comments: 241

tomcat wrote ...
ma non si potrebbe affiancarle anche la "vecchia" 1.2.6 che è l'ultima versione stabile, completamente documentata e tradotta?

Ora sono disponibili entrambe le versioni: 1.2.6 stabile

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