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Multimedia players

X-MediaPlayerClassic [rev9]

Developer: Guliverkli/winPenPack Team
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Tuesday 15 June 2010 - 12:32:20
Size: 2.28 MB
Downloads: 11842
 9.0 - 4 votes 

[It] Media Player Classic è un leggero media player libero, con una interfaccia simile a Windows Media Player 6.4. Ha la capacità di riprodurre VCD, SVCD e DVD, senza l'installazione di ulteriori programmi o codec. Media Player Classic ha integrato codec video per MPEG-2 con supporto per i sottotitoli e i codec audio per LPCM, MP2, AC3 e DTS. E' principalmente basato sull'architettura DirectShow e quindi utilizza automaticamente i filtri di decodificazione di DirectShow. Media Player Classic può anche utilizzare le architetture di QuickTime e di Real Player (se installati) per riprodurre i loro file nativi.
E' disponibile la precedente versione italiana del 2008 non aggiornata: X-MediaPlayerClassic_6.4.9.1_rev8_it

[En] Media Player Classic is a compact media player for Microsoft Windows. The application mimics the look and feel of the old, light-weight Windows Media Player 6.4 but integrates most options and features found in modern media players. Media Player Classic is capable of VCD, SVCD, and DVD playback without installation of additional software or codecs. MPC has built-in codecs for MPEG-2 video with support for subtitles and codecs for LPCM, MP2, AC3 and DTS audio. MPC also contains an improved MPEG splitter that supports playback of VCDs and SVCDs using its VCD/SVCD/XCD Reader.
Previous 2008 Italian version not updated is available: X-MediaPlayerClassic_6.4.9.1_rev8_it

Versione/Version: Software [] - X-Launcher [1.4] - INI [rev9]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - Media Player Classic source
Modifiche/Changes :
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 Moticanus  on: 26.10.08 - 22:24 - Comments: 76

Non ha rivali!!!

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