Icy Radio
[It] Funge sia da lettore che da registratore di radio. Con questo programma è possibile ricercare stazioni radio online, ascoltare musica in streaming, in MP3 e in AAC, registrare quello che si ascolta in formato MP3 (da 32 - a 256 kbps). Per aggiornare alla versione, scaricare il solo exe da qui ed inserirlo nella cartella principale. [En] ICY Radio is an Internet radio player application. With ICY Radio you can search radio stations, add stations to favourites, listen radio stations in MP3,WMA and OGGformat, record radio translations to MP3 or OGGfiles and more. To update to version, extract the archive that contains an EXE file only. Just extract this file to IcyRadio folder with old file replacing. Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use: [It] decomprimere l'archivio .zip in una cartella a piacere ed eseguire il file IcyRadio.exe. Una volta avviato, il programma salva le impostazioni nei file config.ini e stations.xml all'interno della propria cartella. [En] unzip the .zip archive in a folder you like and run the IcyRadio.exe file. After first run the progran saves his data into config.ini and stations.xml files, located in the program's folder. Versione/Version: Licenza/License: Freeware |
on: 08.12.10 - 08:02 - Comments: 10 |
It's still v0.6..2.3
on: 08.12.10 - 12:17 - Comments: 243 |
Please read the description: "To update to version, extract the archive that contains an EXE file only. Just extract this file to IcyRadio folder with old file replacing."
on: 08.12.10 - 19:32 - Comments: 10 |
on: 08.12.10 - 19:54 - Comments: 243 |
Since the direct link to "icyradio0.6.2.4exe.zip" is not supported, I put the link to the download page. Your link ( -Link- ) redirects to this russian page -Link- |
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