UndercoverXP 1.23
[It] UndercoverXP è un programma che permette di stampare facilmente cover di CD e DVD. Supporta i formati JPEG, GIF, PNG e BMP. Il programma è disponibile in 27 lingue. Nota importante: la versione portable non contiene la cartella "Languages", dimenticata forse per errore. Per tradurre l'interfaccia nelle varie lingue, è necessario quindi copiarla dalla versione in setup, da estrarre con Universal Extractor (maggiori dettagli..). [En] UndercoverXP is a small program to easily print CD and DVD covers. It supports JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP formats and can automatically scale front covers, back covers, front + inside, inlays, DVD Boxes, Digital Pictures and CD/DVD labels to the correct sizes. Other formats can be easily added via a graphical format editor. UnderCoverXP is available in 27 languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Portugese, Polish, Macedonian, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Brazilian, Chzech, Latvian, Chinese, Japanese, Catalan, Arabic, Vietnamese and Slovak translations are included in the setup. Important note: the "Languages" folder is not included in the portable version, so you have to copy it from the setup extracted using Universal Extractor. Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use: [It] decomprimere il file undercoverxpportable.zip ed avviare il programma eseguendo UnderCoverXP.exe [En] Extract the undercoverxpportable.zip archive and launch UnderCoverXP.exe Versione/Version: 1.23 Lingua/Language: Multilingua, Italiano compreso (scaricando le lingue a parte) Piattaforma/Platform: Windows 98, 2000, Xp, Vista Licenza/License: Freeware |
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