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minipad2 3.2.0

Developer: Nebula Software
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Monday 04 October 2010 - 15:52:37
Size: 373 kB
Downloads: 4261
 8.0 - 1 vote 

[It] Piccolo editor di testo con funzioni di calcolo e reminder.
[En] Minipad2 is a tiny, multi-page style windows program which integrates all the useful functions including text editor, calculator, reminder, dictionary, text template & clipboard-enhancement . All the contents saved in a single text file. It automatically restores the last state when re-opened. It can be set as start with windows and minimize to the system tray with very few memory take-up.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Decomprimere l' ed avviare l'applicazione eseguendo minipad2.exe. Per utilizzare il programma con winPenPack, seguire queste indicazioni.
[En] Extract the ZIP package to any folder of your choice, launch the program by double-clicking minipad2.exe. To use the program inside winPenPack, please follow these informations.

Versione/Version: 3.2.0
Lingua/Language: - Multilingual
Language Pack: -Link-
Licenza/License: Freeware

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 adel10  on: 10.03.08 - 20:21 - Comments: 2

Ciao a tutti
dove posso trovare dei mini dizionari
in Formato "dic" per minipad2
Cordiali saluti

 ZioZione  on: 11.03.08 - 10:29 - Comments: 102

@adel10: puoi partire da qui: -Link- (linguetta "Dictionaries"). Purtroppo l'elenco è un po' "scarsino"...

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