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X-Cafe - Files and Program associations in winPenPack

5 - In your winPenPack menu, select the new "X-Cafe" icon >> right-click on it and select >> "Properties" (or F5)

5.1 - In the [General] tab

- please rename the application as "Deactivate X-Cafe"
- in the "Parameters (optional)" box, type /exit
- in the "Custom Icon path (optional)" box, type in following path: winPenPack\Bin\cafe\src\img\icon3.ico

5.2 - In the [Advanced] tab, in the "AutoExecute" box, please select "Always on shutdown":

Click OK to confirm.

7 - If you have followed the instructions correctly, when starting your wPP menu you should see two new icons: one for the automatic launch of X-Cafe at wPP startup, and the other for the automatic shutdown at the end of the session.

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