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X-QuteCom 2.2.1 [rev2]

Developer: QuteCom Team/winPenPack Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: lunedì 18 luglio 2011 - 15:43:08
Dimensione: 28,38 Mb
Downloads: 5645
 5.5 - 2 valutazioni 

[It] Softphone open source che sostituisce WengoPhone. E' un client SIP che incorpora anche libpidgin e quindi supporta account di Instant Messaging da protocolli diversi.

[En] QuteCom (previously called WengoPhone) is a free software SIP compliant VoIP client developed by the QuteCom (previously OpenWengo) community under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It allows users to speak to other users of SIP compliant VoIP software at no cost. It also allows users to call landlines, cellphones, send SMS and make video calls. None of these functionalities are tied to a particular provider allowing users to choose among any SIP provider.

Versione/Version: Software [2.2.1] - X-Launcher [1.4.2] - INI [rev2]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - QuteCom source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Requisiti/Requirements: Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
Dettagli/Details: -Link-
Modifiche/Changes :
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 p.compio  il: 23.02.09 - 14:39 - Commenti: 2

Non funziona. All'apertura dice che non trova MSVCR71.dll

 p.compio  il: 23.02.09 - 15:00 - Commenti: 2

Risolto il problema: ho copiato il dll mancante da X-WengoPhone ed inserito in .\Bin\QuteCom. Sembra funzioni.

 Danix  il: 23.02.09 - 15:02 - Commenti: 241

Se n'è parlato a lungo nel forum (bastava fare una ricerca).
Comunque, scarica la .dll ed inseriscila in \Bin\QuteCom

 Chascon  il: 19.03.09 - 23:01 - Commenti: 6

This whole website is confusing and wastes so much time. I'm trying to download X-QuteComm 2.2-rc3 and I keep on getting

"Sorry, downloads are available only from related download pages.
Read more..
Go to the Download section"

And so I go to the download section find the right Telephony section, only one has X-QuteComm 2.2-rc3, to get the same error message.

Guys, get with it, please. I mean I know it's Libre software, but please improve the user experience.

 Chascon  il: 19.03.09 - 23:01 - Commenti: 6

And issuing an app version with the fix would be nice too.

 Chascon  il: 20.03.09 - 03:05 - Commenti: 6

Ok, let me get this right. I need to download msvcr71.dll from -Link-
and insert it into the directory called QuteCom within Bin directory?

Is this still necessary?

 Chascon  il: 20.03.09 - 03:17 - Commenti: 6

Last time I downloaded the wengo version, I had to manually edit some file to get it from Italian to Spanish. I assume this version auto-configures this?

 Chascon  il: 20.03.09 - 03:39 - Commenti: 6

Apparently the dll is still missing as the msvcr71.dll file was not in the QuteCom dir

 Chascon  il: 20.03.09 - 12:43 - Commenti: 6

For English speakers I'm posting the informative forum answer to my question regarding a missing dll. I trust this is kosher.

"the msvcr71.dll library is not contained in QuteCom setup, nor in the portable version X-QuteCom, because is part of .NET Framework 2.0 (or above), that must be installed in the host PC.
If, for some reasons, is missing, you can download it from here -Link- (or any other source, just google "msvcr71.dll download") and put it into \Bin\QuteCom folder. This should fix your problem.
Best Regards

Of course, decompress the downloaded file before inserting it into the appropriate directory.

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