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JoyToKey 3.7.9

Developer: Ryo Ohkubo
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: mercoledì 22 aprile 2009 - 16:51:33
Dimensione: 309 kb
Downloads: 8511
Non valutato 

[It] Emulatore di tastiera per Joypad.

[En] JoyToKey enables you to control most softwares (e.g. social web games, FLASH games, office applications or even Windows itself) by using your favorite windows joystick. Whenever you press joystick buttons and sticks, JoyToKey will convert the joystick input into keyboard strokes or mouse movements so that the target application works as if you used a real keyboard or mouse!

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] Decomprimere l' ed avviare l'applicazione eseguendo JoyToKey.exe.
[En] Extract the ZIP package to any folder of your choice, launch the program by double-clicking JoyToKey.exe.

Versione/Version: 3.7.9
Piattaforma/Platform: Windows 95/98/Me/Xp
Licenza/License: Freeware

Dettagli/Details: -Link-

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